How You’re Here to Make Money: Your Personality Jupiter Gate Line
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The new Just Follow Joy membership is LIVE! To celebrate, you’re getting a sneak peek into the goodness inside with this audio all about the line of your “money gate,” AKA your personality Jupiter gate placement, AKA your pearl sphere.
Whatever gate you have in your conscious Jupiter placement (if you don’t know what that is, read the article linked below) tells you which energy you are here to show up with in order to create prosperity/opportunities for prosperity.
The LINE that your gate is on tells you more information about how you are actually going to do that, and what is most important for you to embrace in order to actually call that moolah in.
Today, we’ll go over…
What each of the 6 lines mean in the Jupiter placement
How to use your line to create abundance and prosperity in your life – in a way that feels good and fulfilling
Where you are meant to focus your energy when it comes to making money depending on which line you have
What you DON’T have to focus on/worry about when it comes to making money, because that’s not what your relationship to it is even about!
Real-life examples of how this plays out (including from my own chart)
Read about Jupiter Gates HERE if you need an intro:
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