You came here with a built-in success plan for creating what you want in life.
This guide shows you what it is - and how to use it to manifest, achieve + attract on easy mode. Just pick your energy type to get instant access! 👇🏼
(Pssst - don’t know your type? Find it here.)
What you’ll learn…
What your energy type actually means (in plain english)
How your authority – AKA, your unique intuition – speaks to you
How to immediately know when you’re in/out of alignment with your energy (+ get back on track)
Hi! I’m Ariana Joy.
Human Design reader and teacher.
I found Human Design when I was the most lost I’d ever felt. I kept hearing I could create the incredible life I wanted if I just got out there and “made it happen” – yet the harder I worked on what people told me to do, the more stuck I got. I spent my days anxious, spinning my wheels, and so frustrated with myself for not being able to make it work.
When I learned my design, I realized the truth:
It wasn’t that I wasn’t doing enough. I was just doing a lot of stuff that was never designed to work for me in the first place.
I was doing it that way because, well, that’s what (usually well-intentioned) people kept telling me I had to do!
Each of us is built for different things to work for us
(and it’s supposed to feel GOOD).
Your energy type + authority show you what those are for you.
Learning my energy type + authority put me on the path to…
✅ stop pushing myself into doing all the things I hate, because I know I’m meant to do things in a way that feels good.
✅ leave my unfulfilling, energy-sucking 9-5 job – and build a business where I get paid to do what I 100% love, no compromise.
✅ finally hear my intuition, understand what it was saying, and trust it to know exactly what to do next
✅ start manifesting the awesome things I’d dreamed of - from clients and money, to soul friends and international travel -
It changed my life in huge ways…
And knowing yours can change your life, too.