Your soul has a plan for you.
It’s for you to create the life you want, in a way that feels freaking GOOD!
Whether you know it right now or not
(if you’re here, you probably at least have a feeling)…
… what feels ease-filled, joyful, exciting, and incredible to you isn’t just a “nice-to-know” thing. It’s actually exactly what will guide you to where you want to be.
The problem is, most of us have been deeply trained to believe there’s only one way to succeed and do things, and our “way” ain’t it.
Make it stand out.
Since day one, our heads are filled with have-to’s and shoulds — until one day, we’re not even sure what’s right for us and what we’ve just been told a thousand times is supposed to be right for us.
You’re supposed to take action in THIS way…
You’re supposed to work THAT way….
You’re supposed to eat, sleep, feel, want, connect, learn, travel, speak, share, achieve, and grow in ALL THOSE ways…
And you’re told it doesn’t matter how it feels, it matters how it looks.
Human Design reader + teacher.
In Human Design-speak, I’m a 5/1 sacral generator with the Cross of Limitation (32/42|56/60).
In normal-speak, I’m a surfer, (obsessive) dog person, and lover of 70s-rock.
I believe we’re all born to bring our deepest desires to life - in a way that feels natural and correct for us.
Helping other people “see” their true selves, and get back to that, sets my soul on fire. There is nothing I would rather do than show people the magic that lives in them, and how to use it.
(It’s something I give free advice on every week to people on my email list. Hop in on it!)
Human Design is how I found what’s right for me - and WORKS for me!
It showed me how I’m actually built to operate - I’m not meant to force myself to go fast, or “make it happen” or know the next step.
It showed me that those things that didn’t feel right? I didn’t need them.
It showed me that following my joy isn’t just how I achieve what I wanted in life — it’s my gift to the world.
Oh, and it showed me that if anyone told me that was the wrong way to do things, I could tell them to consider the image on the left my response (I took some creative liberties there, but you get it)
Human design truly changed my life - and now, I use it to help others change theirs.
Ariana Joy is a human design teacher and guide, along with the founder of Just Follow Joy. She helps conscious business owners and soul seekers use their Human Design to drop the “struggle and grind” and create what they want in a way that feels good, whether it’s in their businesses, their relationships, or their lives. Ariana’s goal is to show as many people as possible that “follow your joy” isn’t just a nice idea — it’s literally your roadmap to the success you’ve been looking for.