The G Center: We NEED You To Be Yourself!

The G center in your Human Design chart represents your sense of identity, love, purpose, and direction. 

Because this center plays such a pivotal role in how we experience life – it literally holds together your consciousness that is “you,” so you can experience life at all! – it’s CRUCIAL that we live in alignment with the truth it holds about who we are.

I recently had a huge “A-ha” (which turned out to also be a, “Wow, how have you been this dumb,”) moment about how I’ve been totally out of alignment with this center in my life.

This week on the podcast, I tell you what happened, what I learned, and how you can use that nugget of knowledge to tap into the power of your true self.

In this episode, we talk about…

  • How I realized I wasn’t being the “real me,” why I was doing it, and how it was blocking me (and my desired manifestations) in a biiiiig way

  • The defined vs. undefined G center: the biggest challenges for each when it comes to showing up as your true self (i.e., why you’re not doing that)

  • My #1 tip for how to get back in touch with your true self, for both definitions

  • Why being who you want to be doesn’t just help you… it helps EVERYONE around you!


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