Jupiter Gates In Human Design: Expansion, Money, And The Law Of Your Aura


With the new Gates + Channels Deep Dive course out, I wanted to talk specifically about one of my favorite gate placements in the Human Design bodygraph – Jupiter!

Your Jupiter placement is one of the most helpful gates in your chart to get familiar with, outside of the planets in your incarnation cross. So, let’s dive in.

PSSST! In the course, you’ll learn what all the 26 planetary placements mean (for yourself, or in a professional chart reading). Check it out right here.



The planets play a role in Human Design similar to the role they play in astrology. Each planet represents a certain aspect of us or our lives, and then the gate a planet is in tells us how we’ll experience/express ourselves there.

At birth – and also, 3 months before that – the planets imprint us with the energetic theme of the gates they’re in, via a subatomic particle called neutrinos. Then, you carry that energetic theme with you for the rest of your life!

Larger planetary placements create more neutrinos, which means that they will hold a stronger influence over your design and will be more important to know.

The #1 biggest creator of neutrinos is the sun (which is why your sun gate is so important to know), and the #2 biggest creator is Jupiter.


Jupiter represents expansion and magnification, much like it does in astrology. 

However, in HD, Jupiter is also your “internal law,” – i.e., the energy built into your aura that you need to honor so that you can see positive expansion in your life.

The reason for this is while all of your gates in your Human Design help determine the structure of your aura, Jupiter plays one of the biggest roles in doing that (see: neutrinos). Since Human Design is really about using your aura to manifest, that means Jupiter is pretty important. 

When you can live in alignment with this energy, in particular, you will be able to use your aura to create more opportunities in your life. 


Jupiter doesn’t just represent expansion and opportunities overall. It represents expansion and opportunities in the physical, material realm… AKA, financially! 

That means if you want more money, abundance, or ways through which those can flow to you, knowing and living by your Jupiter gate is definitely going to help. If you’re not respecting it, or you’re fighting against it, you may find that it’s more difficult to allow abundance into your life no matter how hard you’re pushing.

One thing to note, though: this is NOT the only thing to keep in mind when it comes to money manifestation. There are things like your sun gates, earth gates, and design mars that are really important… Plus, none of those are really going to matter too much if you don’t live your strategy and authority! 



Your personality Jupiter (black, right) is a theme you will be more likely to identify with/be aware of/obviously see in your life, while your design Jupiter (red, left) is a more unconscious theme.

Both are cool and helpful to know. However, if you were only to check out one of them, I would recommend the personality Jupiter. IMHO, it’s what will be more obvious, conscious, and workable in terms of creating more abundance and prosperity in your life. 

However, your design Jupiter can clue you into an additional theme that will be helpful for you!


To show you how this can play out IRL, here’s an example from my own HD chart.

I have my personality Jupiter in Gate 5, which is known as the Gate of Fixed Rhythms, or the Gate of Timing. 

The main lesson of Gate 5 is to trust divine timing, live according to the seasons of your life, and cultivate patience. It’s about not pushing against our natural rhythms because we think we’re doing things at the wrong time or we should be experiencing something different from what we’re experiencing right now.

For me, this means that when I can trust divine timing in my own life, I usually see a much more effortless flow of prosperity into my life. I do what feels good, when it feels good, without comparing it to what others are doing… and even the timing looks weird, it works for me!

On the other hand, if I’m experiencing a lot of struggle around attracting opportunities, it’s usually a good sign I need to stop judging myself for where I think I “should” be in life, and settle into where I am NOW. 

If I feel like I’m “behind” or going too slow (something I feel VERY frequently!), I try to remind myself that it’s all happening, in good time. The universe has its own timeline for me, and it’s much better to go with that than to flail around.


You can decode your Jupiter gates (and the rest of them) by diving into the Gates + Channels Deep Dive Course!


In this 14-lesson course + in-depth guide, you’ll learn:

  • What all of the 64 gates + 36 channels mean - including both the gift and shadow expression, how it shows up as a hanging gate, what to tell someone about a gate/channel in a reading so that they understand and can use it

  • Gates and Channels theory - What are these REALLY, how do they work, and how do you make sense of them?

  • Tips + tricks for reading gates/channels in charts - so that you can look at a bodygraph and immediately know what’s going on, even if you don’t remember the exact meaning of each theme

And soooooo much more!

Oh, and if you just want a quick-and-dirty reference list, you can also grab the 64 Gates + 36 Channels Mini Guide.


Your Human Design Ascendant (AKA Rising) Gates


Why I left social media (and why I’m back - with joy!)