What is the “sacral response” + how do I use it?

If you’re a generator or manifesting generator, you have a defined sacral center. That means that you have something incredibly powerful inside of you, called the Sacral Response!

It is what will guide you through life and help you make decisions that pan out really, really well for you (and also bring MORE opportunities towards you!).

And understanding it is the MOST important part of living a happy, successful life as a generator.

What is the sacral response?

Short answer: It’s the universe speaking through you, directing you towards the things that will create the most joy + abundance for you by giving you a direct YES or NO response.

Long answer: The sacral center is a motor center. That means that, if defined (colored in on a chart) it creates energy on its own. BUT, it works in a very unique way compared to the other motor centers… in that it responds to the outside world.

Let me explain:

Generators have an open and enveloping aura. From the moment they wake up, things are entering that aura – or in less woo-terms, their body/mind’s awareness.

Every time something enters a generator’s awareness, the sacral identifies it and either says, “Yes, I have energy for this,” or “No, that is not right for me.”

There are two parts to the sacral response.

  1. The feeling

  2. The sound


When we’re given a YES, we feel lit up, joyful, light, expansive. We want to do that thing.

When we’re given a NO, we feel uninterested, heavy, pulled down, and contracting. It can be full-on dread or it can just be the absence of a yes – something that just doesn’t light you up (“eh”).


Once your sacral gives you a response, you will naturally vocalize or embody it. It doesn’t have to be a literal sound – although most of us do make them.

Some possible sacral “sounds”:

  • Uh HUH/UN-uh (our most primal sound)

  • Yes/No

  • YEAH!/Nah

  • Yay/Ugh

  • Just feeling the beginning of “y….” or “n…”

  • Shaking your head or nodding

  • Opening up your body or hunching over/contracting

  • Wanting to embrace or shake off the energy of something

  • etc, etc.

What happens if I follow a YES? What happens if I follow a NO?


How to find your mop (AKA you don’t have to do it “their way” to succeed)


How generators + manifesting generators can manifest like a mofo