How generators + manifesting generators can manifest like a mofo

WEE! Manifestation is probably my favorite part of talking about the sacral response. This is basically the core of Human Design – using who we really are to create what we really want!

Every energy type has a way to manifest that is best for them.

If you are a generator or Manifesting Generator, here is your plan to manifest like a mofo.

Yes, I do highly recommend going in this order (you’ll see why when you read on).

NOTE: In Human Design, you can also be a specific or nonspecific manifestor – no matter what your energetic type – and knowing which you are will help you figure out the “what” that you want to manifest. Learn what kind of manifestation you’re meant for here.

Drop what is a NO for you.

This is so, so crucial. If you take nothing else from this article, take this.

To make space for your YESes, you need to let go of your NOs. I mean this for every part possible of your life. I don’t care if it doesn’t seem related. If you’re a generator, it is.

The more you let go of your NOs and declutter your aura, the more space you make for the universe to send you stuff that, for lack of a better phrase, doesn’t suck.

The best – and only, really – way to get the “better” is to release the “not good” and “eh.”

(I explain why that’s the case in this article).

If you are trying to manifest a new house, but you are committing to a workout routine every day that you fucking hate… stop doing that type of exercise.

If you are trying to manifest a new job, but you’re in a crappy relationship… leave the relationship.

If you are trying to manifest a puppy, but you’re hanging out with a friend from high school who makes you feel like shit… literally just stop hanging out with that person.

Drop the shitty to make way for greatness.

Become okay with being in “neutral” for a bit.

OK. This is where a lot of generators get tripped up.

Once you let go of your NOs, you’ll have a bunch of empty space. And that makes generators really, really uncomfortable – or if you’re like me, really scared that nothing worthwhile will come to fill up that space.

Not only are we all told we have to DO DO DO to be worthy and successful, generators have an innate desire to create and help others (in their unique ways, of course). We love to work – meaning we love to put our energy into things.

This means that generators can hold onto negative things because they… well… would rather have negative things to do than no things to do.

If you want to start attracting your YESes, you need to be okay with this “neutral” on your way to “positive.”

I promise you, if you start following your strategy, this won’t last as long as you think it will!

Be very open and aware of your surroundings.

Your sacral’s wisdom is in responding to things.

That means that you do not have to put pressure on it to “come up with” an answer for you, you just have to pay attention to what it’s already saying about your environment.

Notice how your sacral responds when someone talks to you, or when you look at a book on your desk. What is it saying? How does it feel?

It could be deciding between an apple and an orange. In fact… food is a great place to start!

Literally ask yourself, “Do I want THIS or do I want THIS?” And then go with that.

It doesn’t matter how small it is. As a generator, navigating these responses translates over to everything.

Sometimes it won’t feel very strong, other times you’ll be surprised at how loud it is.

Start following all your YESes.

Again, even if they seem totally unrelated to the goal/thing/experience you are trying to manifest.


Because the universe doesn’t compartmentalize energy. A vibration of being lit the F up is the same vibration whether it’s in your job or in your relationships.

When you are at that vibration of feeling good, about anything, you attract other things that make you feel good.

That will bleed over to the specific thing you are asking for!

If you know anything about manifestation or the Law of Attraction, this will make sense to you. Just by feeling good, you enter the “vortex,” as Abraham Hicks calls it – and that is how you call in what you desire.

It’s all connected 

What do you think of this way of manifesting? Do you resonate with it? Which part sounds the hardest to you? What do you do as a master of manifestation??


What is the “sacral response” + how do I use it?


Generator Q&A: Why can’t I hear my sacral response?