Should I follow something in Human Design if it doesn’t feel good?

A little while ago, I was on the phone with one of my best friends, who’s in New York.

We were having one of our usual absurd chats (“Should I get a boyfriend to cuddle, or do I just need a space heater?” I still don’t know the answer to that, tbh. Please comment below and tell me which is a better investment.)

Then, he said something that shook me.

“I wish I could manifest. But I can’t, because I’m a projector. We can’t do that.”



Where the hell did you hear that malarkey??

Turns out, he’d read an article that said that very thing: that projectors can’t manifest, because their strategy is to wait for the invitation. 

Which, if you can’t tell by my response, is bullshit.

Any of us can manifest. In fact, Human Design is about how each type can use their energy to manifest even better.

But it made me realize that there’s something CRUCIAL TO KNOW that most people don’t tell newcomers to Human Design.

If something you read about Human Design feels restrictive or tells you that you “can’t” do something, you have full permission to throw it OUT.

Whether or not you want to throw your entire desktop out as well is up to you.

Listen, the whole point of Human Design is to be a tool for empowerment.

It’s supposed to be a:

  • Cheat sheet for how to best use your energy

  • Way to make choices that better serve you

  • Guide for returning to your true, free self

  • Permission slip to be who you are + live your life in a way that makes you happy, fulfilled, and successful

It is NOT  a book of rules to further “should” on yourself. 

I totally understand why this might all be confusing for people… especially because, just like any modality, there are some “militants” who will tell you everything must be done THIS way or THAT way.

In the end, though, that is not what Human Design is about.

It is also not what life is about (at least, not in my opinion).

If you read or hear something about Human Design that makes you feel confined, restricted, put into a box, it’s one of two things.

  1. You’re misinterpreting it. This isn’t because you’re dumb, it’s just because the language in Human Design can be highly nuanced, counter-intuitive, and require some explaining.


How do I know which is happening?

Example of a misinterpretation

One of the first things that Generators are taught about their design is that they must wait to respond to make decisions and take action.

Obviously, this can sound really off-putting because it seems like we’re being told we have to wait for life to happen to us… and we can’t do anything until we have permission.

This is SO not the case! It really just means we have to listen to our gut.

Ra Uru Hu didn’t always do a fantastic job of wording the stuff he shared. Most of it is AWESOME, but sometimes we need reframes of his “shorthand” terms to understand the real essence of what he was getting at.

Example of something to throw out

Let’s use generators here again.

There are some people who say that generators are here to do two things: do work we love and procreate.

Their reasoning is that the sacral is the creative life-force center, which means that’s where both our ability to work and our ability to create life comes from. So, according to that logic, we’re all baby-making machines.

Still, though… I don’t want kids. And I know a LOT of other generators, already in their 40s and 50s, who also don’t want kids.

So, we can just just say “bye” to that one.

If you come across something like this, you can do the same.

TAKEAWAY: The next time you see something in Human Design that doesn’t land like a Big Ol Truth Bomb in your bones…

(a) Reframe it and see if it feels better,


(b) Just ignore it.

And if you’re still confused? We can talk it out in a 1:1 Human Design reading.

You are abundant, amazing, and here to thrive.

Don’t let no article or podcast tell you otherwise.

Love + Joy,


P.S. Seriously – boyfriend or a space heater? Yes, it takes more effort and emotional investment to get into a relationship. But check it, what if I got the boyfriend to BUY me the space heater? That way if he leaves, it wouldn’t even matter. I got what I want. I don’t know… Comment below, posthaste, before I get catfished.

P.P.S. If you have questions/want to learn more about Human Design, the BEST way to get your answers is to work with me personally.

For an explanation of your chart + guidance on how to use it →  Book a Human Design reading here.


6 important things wish I knew when I started my “spiritual journey”


Generator/MG Q&A: What Does it mean to “Wait to Respond”?