Generator/MG Q&A: What Does it mean to “Wait to Respond”?

Q: “What does it mean to ‘Wait to Respond?’ Do I have to wait around, and only take action when something comes my way? How am I ever supposed to make anything happen?”

A: Oof. This is one of the most confusing things for generators (I know, because I was confused. For a long time).

If you’re a generator, the first thing you learn is that your strategy is “wait to respond.” At a glance, that seems like you have to wait for something to come your way before you can take action. 

Which is… less than empowering, right?

BUT, this phrase is actually kind of misleading. 

In reality, if you’re a generator, you’re mostly just choosing which response to base a decision off of. 

Here’s what I mean by that.


Your sacral is responding to everything  – smells, sights, people, etc. – 100%. 

You are already ALWAYS responding to things, which means you really aren’t doing a lot of waiting. It’s just how your aura naturally works. It’s big and enveloping, so you draw stuff towards you to respond to without even trying.

The world is continuously asking you what you want by throwing a bunch of different stuff at you, all the time.

It’s true from the moment you wake up:

  • You smell coffee being made. Want coffee? Yes.

  • You get an assignment at work. Want to do it? No.

  • Do you even like this job? Ew. No.

  • You look up jobs online and see an amazing position open. Do you want to apply? Yes, please!

  • You walk past a pizza place. Do you want to go in? Oh baby. Yes.

  • You see your phone. Do you want to look at it? No.

  • Wait! Your ex is calling. Do you want to answer? Fuck no. (Didn’t I block him? How is he calling me??)

Your strategy is really “Wait FOR the response. If it lights you up, do it; if it drains you, don’t.”

The things to respond to are always a given. Life is always being drawn towards you. You just need to know what your sacral says about them.

For you, the best option is always the one that gives you a YES!


One time as I was explaining the sacral response, a fellow generator said, 

“This doesn’t make any sense. In my experience, nothing happens until I go DO something. Waiting around has never helped me.”

And she’s right.

The thing is, waiting to respond is NOT “waiting around” or “doing nothing.”

That’s because in reality, you are not waiting for things to respond to

You are waiting to hear what your sacral has to say about those things.

Waiting to respond means listening to what your sacral (and thus, the universe, since it’s speaking through you) has to say before taking action. 

This does not mean you cannot take any action or have to sit around for something to plop into your lap!

It’s just about not forcing things. 

You are an active co-creator with the universe. It sends you things to respond to, and as you follow your sacral YESes, you create a path for yourself. 

Yes, this does mean we have to be okay with things not being super “direct” all the time. It also does mean you have to have a little – kill me – patience.

Does it mean we have to hold back from taking inspired action that feels good? Not at all.

I mean, think about it: your sacral gives you a yes or a no in response. You have to experience stuff to know your response in the first place. 

So the more stuff you go out and do… the more “taste testing” your sacral can do!

Plus, when you choose to go with what lights you up, the universe sees that and keeps sending you stuff that lights you up (that’s the law of attraction, btw).

It’s a cycle of winning.


Let’s say you want to launch a business. Yeehaw!

Do you have to do nothing as you wait for everything to fall into place, or for someone to say, “You should start a business!”?

Nope. Here’s why: You’ve responded already. Whether it was responding to watching someone else start a business, or responding to a course put out by a famous entrepreneur, or by responding to something someone said and thinking, “Wait, I would LOVE to do that for a living.”

If it’s lighting you up, you already have the green light from your sacral. 

Go ahead! 


Title: “A Generator at One With The Universe” or “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH”

Truth is, being a generator is one giant trust fall. Your “catching” partner is the universe.

Oh, and it’s for your whole life.

As you let go of the UH uhs/NOs, you are saying to the universe, “I trust you are going to send me something that is an Uh HUH/YES to replace this.”

To which the Universe responds, “FINALLY!”

I know it’s not easy. Our entire lives we are told to go out and make things happen. But guess what? We’re not built like that.

We have an incredible power of immediately knowing which things to follow, but we have to trust that the universe will put those things on our path as we move along.

This is why generators are so jealous of manifestors, who can go start things and have it work out for them. However, STARTING is really all a manifestor can do. They burn out real fast. We can go and go and go if we enter something with the right energy!

Sometimes things are going to look like a zig-zagging path to get to what we want. It doesn’t mean we can’t get there… we just have to be open to the journey looking different than we expected.


Want to go on vacation? Go do it.

Want to start a business? Go do it.

Want to start dating or get married? Go do it.

Want to slap someone? I mean, use judgement here (although I do love a good slap…)


Just don’t force it, and listen to what your sacral has to say about it first. 

Remember: You are a co-creator with the world. It might be slightly different than people taught you, but you are just as powerful as anyone else!

Does this make sense to you? Have any more questions about the sacral response? Drop them below in the comments!


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