Personal, Transpersonal, and Fixed: How to use your Human Design profile type to write more effective copy

When it comes to using Human Design in my copywriting (for myself and my clients) I usually focus on energy type, since that’s the Big Kahuna.

It’s the first thing you need to master to use your design to take your copy from “eh” to “EH??? Tell me more!”

HOWEVER, if you’re in touch with that, there are lots of other things in your design that can help you create some kickass marketing.

One of my favorites? The profiles!

There are 3 types of profiles: Personal, Transpersonal, and Fixed. Find your profile below to learn which kind it is, and which copy success tip is right for you.

Personal profiles (1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 3/5, 3/6, 4/6)

If you have a SMALLER number first in your profile — AKA a “right angle” profile — you don’t need to interact with others to fulfill your purpose in this lifetime. You can fulfill it just as easily while alone on a mountain top.

>> You better the world by bettering yourself.

This is important to know for your marketing because, although we’re all told that we have to focus on other people to make an impact on the world, that’s not true for you.

My advice to you: Don’t feel bad if you don’t actually care that much about “serving the world” or showing that in your writing.

Maybe you do care about that, but for personal profiles, it all starts with YOU, my friend!

You don’t need some big, grand vision of helping others at the center of your business, and you don’t have to base your marketing around it.

Should you use basic copywriting strategies, like formatting or speaking directly to your clients? Yes! Do that. Your clients are still a part of this…. but you will still make an impact if you focus on your interests, and yourself, first.

(Psssst, if you don’t believe me, check out Rachel Lieberman from Pure Generators. She’s a 1/3, and people LOVE her stuff!)

Transpersonal profiles (5/1, 5/2, 6/2, 6/3)

If you have a BIGGER number first in your profile — AKA a “left angle” profile — you fulfill your purpose in this lifetime by interacting with other people. We transpersonal profiles made an agreement to do that when we came here to Earth.

>> You better yourself by bettering the world.

That means you might especially feel pulled between “Yay! This makes me happy for ME!”  and, “But… I want to help people.” Basically, you might get a ton of joy out of creating for yourself, but at the same time feel a little empty if it’s just for you.

As a 5/1 myself, I totally get it! 

My advice to you: Remember that you don’t have to “directly” write for other people to serve them.

I think generators in particular struggle with this, because we’ve been taught that we can’t help people if we help ourselves first.

Follow your strategy and authority and everything will fall into place, I promise you! You WILL end up helping others, you WILL end up fulfilling your purpose, and you WILL be happier than ever as you do it.

Fixed Profile (4/1)

The 4/1 — AKA, Juxtaposition profile — is the rarest profile in the world. If you have this profile, you will fulfill your destiny whether or not you interact with others. That’s why it’s called “fixed”; it’s already going to happen no matter what. It’s independent of what you do.

You see, a soul with a 4/1 profile has been incarnated on Earth many times, so it has zero karma. That’s why it’s destiny is fixed. It has nothing to create (personal) or resolve (transpersonal).

It’s really just here for a good time, in order to experience life on a deeper, more profound level. In fact, it’s also called the “bonus life” (coined by Human Design expert Jenna Zoe).

My advice to you: Have as much fun as possible with your marketing.

Yep. It’s that simple.

That’s because no matter what you do, you’re always fulfilling your purpose.

With this profile, you’re here to enjoy life and bring levity to situations that other, younger souls might not see as “fun.” In fact, THAT is the real impact you make on the world!

You’ve really already done a lot of that serious, not-so-fun, worky-feeling stuff in past lives. This time around, you’re here to just try out the different, new ways you could do things. You don’t have as many obligations as you think in order to fulfill your purpose.

So, give yourself room to have fun, be silly, and not be so “orthodox” where you don’t need to be. You will be making a positive impact and can find success as long your strategy and authority — because you are showing others how they can do the same.


Eeeeew, smell this (You can say “No” without trying stuff)


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