Nonspecific manifestors: 3 things you need to know to start manifesting INCREDIBLE things

It’s one of the biggest lessons Law of Attraction teachers will try to pound into your head.

Get as specific as possible on what you want, and stick to it. You MUST know exactly what you want. If you don’t, the universe can’t give it to you.”

Yet as I explained in this article about specific vs. nonspecific manifestors, if you’re a nonspecific manifestor, this is not going to work for you. In fact, approaching manifestation this way is going to BLOCK your all your flowy magic.

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t still manifest amazing things like specific manifestors! It’s just that the process is just a little different.

The FOUNDER of Human Design himself, Ra Uru Hu, was a nonspecific manifestor. You try to tell me you can’t create magic without getting specific!

Being nonspecific manifestor is just as powerful and effective as being a specific manifestor. Plus… it actually has some dope advantages.

1. You don’t have to know everything right now – or ever, really

If you’re a nonspecific manifestor, this is going to be such a huge burden off of your shoulders – because it has probably never felt right to be so specific anyway. It feels forced and out of alignment.

You can still be clear on what you want like a specific manifestor, it’s just not your job to get specific.

As a NM, you get to move forward without planning so much or stressing about the details. You don’t have to “figure it out” all the way (because you won’t know all of what “it” is until you get it).

2. You literally just get to show up, be sparkly, and get rewarded for it

I mean, it doesn’t really get much better than that.

All you do is get a general idea of what you want, show up as your highest self possible, and watch the goodness roll on in.

Simply by doing what feels good to you, you’re bringing in even more good stuff – from cars to partners to job opportunities to a new puppy.

Yes, it does take some trust, because it’s not what we’re used to. But keep in mind…

3. You allow the Universe to bring you better options that you never could have come up with

For us nonspecific manifestors, the universe always knows the best thing to send us to help us manifest our desires.

The universe has SO many ways to bring what we want to us… often times, in even better ways than we could have imagined.

A great example from my own life: in my post-graduate job search, I was looking for a creative position – and quickly found one at a vegan startup that I thought was really cool. I didn’t get the job, though… and I was deflated. It was exactly what I had asked for, right?

Two months later, a recruiter reached out with a different position. It didn’t seem awesome, but after talking to me he recommended a different position at a high-level business coaching mastermind (which, tbh, is way more up my alley than veganism).

“Are you interested in learning to write copy?” The woman interviewing me asked.

Um, HELL yes.

Now, not only do I have a job where I get to write every day, learn from incredibly experienced CEOs, and work for someone who likes cheese as much as I do, I make $12,000 more than I would have at the other company.

My point is that the universe often works in indirect ways – which you could never predict – to bring you what you want or better. This is especially true for nonspecific manifestors.

Remember: Follow what you want and TRUST. The universe will do the rest.




Do you have any cool manifestation stories? I want to hear. Tell me in the comments!!


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