Are You a Specific or a Non-Specific Manifestor?

If you’re learning Law of Attraction or using it to practice manifestation, you’ve probably heard some conflicting advice.

One person will tell you, Get specific! You need to get more specific! Another one will say, Don’t get too specific. Stay general. Focus on the feelings!!

It’s like, Jesus Christ, pick a lane.

The truth is that although the general process behind manifestation is always the same, different people manifest their best results in different ways.

In fact, there are two categories: Specific Manifestors and Non-Specific Manifestors.

And when you know which is yours, it will help you “get into the flow” of manifestation and see results SO much faster.

What part of Human Design does this come from?

Specific and non-specific manifestation is an extrapolation of a concept called “Perspective,” which is basically how you are meant to “see” things with your mind’s eye. Your perspective is all about what is helpful for you to focus on, and what you’re not meant to waste your time trying to see (because, you’re not here to see it).

So, no… this is not traditional Human Design. However, it is always so wildly helpful to my clients that I still use it in readings to this day!

The idea behind specific and non-specific manifestation is that, depending on what kind of perspective you have, it will either be more helpful for you to focus your attention on specifics when trying to manifest, or more helpful to give out a general vibe.

If you are someone who can’t see details of the future so well, for example, then no matter what someone has told you, forcing yourself to focus on them is actually just working against how you are built to see results through your design. Thus, it can make it more difficult to manifest what it is you want.

PLEASE NOTE that this doesn’t say anything about HOW you actually manifest the thing you want. That comes down to energy type/aura type. This is just what it helps to focus on.

How do I know if I’m a Specific Manifestor or Non-Specific Manifestor?

Step 1: Go to – input your exact birth date, time and location.

Step 2: Locate the bottom right arrow (circled on my chart below).

If this arrow on your chart is pointing LEFT, you have something called focused perspective, and are a Specific Manifestor.

If the arrow is pointing RIGHT, you have something called peripheral perspective, and are a Non-Specific or “General” Manifestor.

Specific Manifestors (Focused Perspective)

If you are a specific manifestor, it helps to get as specific and clear as possible on what you want to manifest.

This is because your mind’s eye is basically like a laser, able to point far ahead and see detailed aspects of what you are trying to create/call in. You are supposed to allow yourself to hone in on those details, and not distract yourself so much with the alternatives or “well, maybe this instead?”

If you’re not manifesting what you want, it may be because you are settling or not really sure what it is you want. Whatever you can do to help yourself get more specific on the thing you’re desiring, the better.

If you’re the kind of person who likes visualizing, describing, and imagining what you want — do that down to the most minute detail. Vision boards often work incredibly well for specific manifestors, especially if you have or inner/outer vision as your cognition.

Here’s an example of how you’d use manifest as a specific manifestor. Let’s say you wanted to manifest a vacation – you would make a list like this:

  • Hawaii, island of Oahu

  • THIS kind of hotel (luxury, high-rise, right on the water)

  • $600 at most for the flight, $200 a night at most for the hotel

  • What you want to be wearing – e.g., red bikini, cut off shorts, flip flops

  • What you’ll be doing (The Pill Box Hike, surfing the south shore, eating at x or y restaurant, drinking from a damn coconut for all I know)

Your main job is to trust yourself. Do not settle because your desire seems too “out there” or because people tell you not to get your hopes up!

Non-Specific Manifestors (Peripheral Perspective)

If you are a non-specific or general manifestor, you tap into your manifesting power NOT by getting specific about details, but putting out the general vibe and feeling of what you want.

This is because you have peripheral perspective, which means you are fantastic at seeing many different things/scenarios/options in the now, but not so great at honing in on one particular thing in the future. It’s like your mind’s eye has a field of vision that’s very wide from side to side, but only goes like, 5 ft in front of you.

What does that mean? Well, it means that it can be pretty difficult to get incredibly detailed about what you want to manifest in the future, because you just don’t see that far ahead.

The moment you try to get really really specific, your super-flowy connection to the universe will feel like it just came to a screeching halt. You’ll start to feel really stuck. This is because even though this whole image or vision sounds good, it’s not coming from our most authentic selves. We just ain’t built that way.

And that’s okay! You don’t have to put so much pressure on yourself to know all of it ahead of time.

When you can accept that, you free yourself up to invite in the best possible option — one that you probably didn’t even KNOW was an option when you first decided you wanted to bring your desired manifestation to life!

If YOU wanted to manifest a vacation, your list would look much more general:

  • Somewhere tropical, warm and beachy

  • During the winter… or whenever is best, really

  • In a really, really nice hotel or airbnb close to the beach

  • A flight that isn’t too expensive, and a doable price for the hotel

  • Cute, stylish, island-y set of clothes for me to wear there

  • Surfing a fun wave, doing outdoorsy activities, drinking fancy cocktails

Let me be very clear: you still have huge manifestation potential and creative power, and you can still ask for what you want.

It’s just that your approach will be different than that of a specific manifestor. Don’t worry about the details.

Your job is to trust the universe. Do not get too attached to a certain highly specific idea, attempt to strategize, or try to figure out your desires will be fulfilled. The universe will give you your next steps, just keep your mind ~open~


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