7 reasons your Human Design chart doesn’t sound like you

Looking at your chart and feeling like it doesn’t… quite… match up?

I’ll be honest, pretty much everyone I’ve introduced to Human Design has resonated deeply with their charts. But there are times when people say, “Uhhh… yeah, that part doesn’t really sound like me.”

(Or just give me the signature I’m-not-into-this side eye.)

Luckily, this doesn’t mean your design is “wrong.” It just means that there might be a few common culprits at play!

1. You might not have the exact right date, time and location in your chart.

In Human Design, every minute counts.

The difference of a few minutes can change a LOT – sometimes, even your entire energy type!

Sure, sometimes it doesn’t change much of anything. Yet other times it does (originally, my friend thought her profile was 5/2. Later, we found out her birthday was a minute off… and it turns out she’s actually a 5/1!)

2. You’re living through your conditioning, not your design.

This is the BIGGEST influence on whether or not your chart sounds like you.

Conditioning is the way we show up in the world according to what society has told us we should, or even need, to be.

If you are deeply conditioned, you are basically not being the real you.

So your behaviors and actions? Yeah, those often won’t reflect the real you, either.

Common causes of conditioning:

  • Your parents’ beliefs about what you (or anyone) should be

  • Cultural norms

  • The community you grew up in

  • Being told your body can’t be trusted to make decisions – use your head!

  • People telling you you’re too X, Y, and Z (too talkative, too blunt, too quiet, too flashy, too artsy, too smart, too ditzy, etc.)

  • Any experience that you internalized as I must change to be enough/succeed

  • Even unconscious, inherited patterns from your ancestors (which can go back CENTURIES)

If you have been deeply conditioned enough AWAY from your design, you might think that your conditioning is who you really are. 

But it isn’t. This is just what you’ve learned you “must” be.


(1) Get really honest with yourself. Ask, “Does this land as truth in my body? Does this feel good? Does it work for ME?” when it comes to the things you think, do, and believe.

(2) Try following your strategy + authority as closely as possible for a few weeks and see what happens. Your strategy and authority are your keys to DEconditioning yourself.

3. You’re only familiar with a few of the influences on your Human Design chart – when there are MANY.

Human Design is one of the most comprehensive modalities out there for understanding yourself.

It’s complicated and nuanced… because humans are complicated and nuanced.

If all you know is the SUPER basic stuff, there are a ton of things that could clarify/qualify the meaning of your chart – which you have no clue about. You could be missing out on a lot of key pieces.

The profiles, the lines, the gates, the planets, the incarnation crosses, the arrows… they all play a pivotal role in how your chart expresses itself in your life. 

4. You’re misinterpreting it (which isn’t your fault).

It’s not because you’re dumb. Well, I don’t know you, so maybe you are dumb (kidding).

Human Design language is different from what most people are used to. As a result, it can be REALLY easily misinterpreted as something else.

For example:

One of the most common things that generators and projectors think when they read their strategies is that they must sit around and wait for life to tell them GO before they can do anything. This is because generators are here to respond, and projectors to wait for the invitation.

NO! No, no, no, no. No. 

“Responding” just means trusting your gut in response to the things life sends you (which it is doing 100% of the time) and “waiting for the invitation” just means identifying the correct invitation, out of many, where it is to best put your energy. 

Neither of those involve sitting around.

5. You’re getting “faked out” by certain parts of your chart.

A couple examples:

  1. Manifesting generators with manifestor-y qualities. Depending on which centers they have defined, MGs can naturally “feel” more like manifestors than like generators. But if they try to initiate instead of responding (their true strategy) they will get stuck and fall into the generator not-self result of frustration.

  2. People with an open solar plexus (the emotional center). These are the people who often go to therapy and say, “I don’t know what’s wrong! I just feel so many emotions!” when in reality, those aren’t their emotions. They’re just picking up on other people’s.

  3. Projectors or manifestors with a closed root center. Because the root is a motor center, it’s easy for people with this design to think that they can keep up with the likes of generators, who have defined sacrals and thus pretty much endless energy. But they can’t – it just seems like they can, because their root will always be telling them GO BITCH GO!

And the list goes on.

6. You’re usually only aware of your personality, not your design.

Your personality (BLACK, RIGHT) is all of your conscious gates. These are the themes and attributes you are aware of, and how you show up in the world in a way visible to yourself and others. 

Your design (RED, LEFT) is all of your unconscious gates. These are the attributes and lessons that come through whether we are aware of them or not. We don’t have as much “control” over them, and they’re not always super obvious. 

This is why certain gates might make you go, “uh-uh, that’s not me,” when really, yuh huh, they are you. You just aren’t totally aware of it.

Often times other people close to you will be able to point out these unconscious themes to you.

7. We are always evolving, so some qualities will only show up as time goes on.

As you get older, different parts of you will come to the forefront of your design or personality. This is just how humans work.

Consider the North Node of the moon in your chart (future direction and environment), which doesn’t become influential in most people before they’re 30-40. Until then, the South Node (past direction and environment) pretty much runs the show. 

You’re not going to be the EXACT SAME person your whole life, and Human Design confirms that.

8. (BONUS) Human Design was channeled from the divine, but created by a human. And Humans have opinions.

Name one person you’ve seen wearing a hat like this who did not have OPINIONS (in caps).

Okay, listen. Human design was downloaded over 8 days by a random dude while he was on a trip in Ibiza with his dog. 

Many of the things Ra Uru Hu (AKA Richard Krakower) shared are amazing, and resonate with a lot of people. However, they were explained through his own personal lens. 

That means he kind of got some things… wrong.

And as my teacher Kelsey Abbott told me, “It’s important to remember that Ra was just a person like the rest of us. And before he channeled Human Design, he really hadn’t done much work on himself.”

I can tell you FIRST hand that I do not agree with some of what the “experts” say or how they say it

The key here is to remember that YOU are the ultimate authority in your life – not an expert, not a book, not a dead guy who used to work in newspaper sales.





What about you? What parts of YOUR chart do you feel like don’t sound like you (or are confusing to you)? Tell me in the comments!


HUMAN DESIGN 101: Manifesting Generators


Nonspecific manifestors: 3 things you need to know to start manifesting INCREDIBLE things