Human design experiment 2022 update: the deconditioning process, using my chart in my business + where I’m still learning

IMHO, one of the most helpful things when you’re starting your Human Design experiment is to see how someone else has personally used their own.

So today, I’m doing something I’ve wanted to do for a long time: sharing what I’ve learned from MY chart + how it’s helped me level up my life — in business, relationships, and beyond!


There are so many different parts of my HD chart that have helped me to live + work better –  but knowing I’m a generator has probably helped me the most.

What I’ve gained:

  • Found work that lights me up 100% and helps other people be really happy in their lives. Knowing I’m a generator has shown me that it’s not just possible to start with what makes me happy, it’s how I’ll help other people the most. I probably would never have left my 9-5 job and started a business like this had I not found HD.

  • Dropped what I think I “should” do for what I WANT to do. I know that if it doesn’t fill me with energy or excitement, it doesn’t matter if it makes logical sense on the outside, it’s not for me. And that makes room for what IS for me!

  • Trust life more + manifest *way* easier. I can’t tell you how many things I’ve tried to “make happen” in my life to no avail… which suddenly effortlessly flowed into my life once I followed my strategy of “wait to respond” instead.

To be honest, I’m still learning how wait to respond works for me, specifically.

I’ve been in my experiment for a few years, but my conditioning around “nothing happens if you don’t make it happen” is pretty deep in me.

When I’m not seeing the “results” fast enough, I still start to worry and lose faith sometimes. I start to wonder, Am I taking this whole “Ease” and “Only do what you want!” thing too far? And start to question if maybe I should have pushed and grinded a little more. 

It’s getting better, but it’s a work in progress. 


I’ve always struggled with a lot of indecision, which caused me a loooooot of anxiety.

Although my gut was giving me an answer, it was usually based on whether or not something excited me, and that was NOT a good enough reason for my logic-driven mind. The simplest decision felt like a thought tornado in my head.

With my sacral authority, I can now trust that my in-the-moment wants (or… not-wants?) aren’t just a nice-to-know thing, they’re literally my GPS to the best outcome for me.

I’ve also learned that if it’s not an immediate yes, it’s a no (at least for now).

Another super helpful thing — if it’s not a big ol’ YES, it’s fuck no, and I need to wait for something better. I’ve learned not to settle,  and instead save my energy/aura space for what is a full-on YES.

I’m still working on saying yes when I want to say no when it comes to possibly disappointing others or putting them out. As a 5/1 profile with an undefined emotional solar plexus, I really don’t like to feel like I’m letting people down. So I’m getting a lot better at drawing those boundaries.

PROFILE: 5/1 (Heretic-Investigator)

My favorite thing I’ve learned about being a 5/1 is that I’m actually, in many ways, designed to be a teacher – which is why people generally come to me to be taught rather than be coached. This also made me feel like it was okay to step into my role as a teacher/authority. 

It’s made me realize I don’t have to do a ton of 1:1 work to build a business – I can do what I’ve always wanted to do, which is be mostly a content creator. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love 1:1 sessions/work! But I really LOOOOOOVE creating content, passive products, and teaching to a bigger audience at once. This helped me realize that could be something viable for me, b/c I’m kinda built for it.

I’ve also learned I’m usually more knowledgeable (and qualified) than I think. 5/1s, like all the 1 line profiles, love to dive deep into subjects – and we can forget that not everyone knows as much about things as we do. 

Realizing this has helped me get over the “I have nothing helpful to share” or “I don’t know enough” BS that used to hold me back from teaching. 


Defined spleen center

My defined spleen directs me towards the best thing for me, and protects me from what is wrong for me by sending me pings or “hits” of an intuitive, in-the-moment yes/no. 

I realized I had been trained to override my “no”s by people who weren’t sensing the same thing as me, because our splenic hits are for US as individuals, specifically, so others often won’t understand why we need to follow them.

I am MUCH better at following this now, and it’s *never* led me astray.

Avoiding bad people, wasteful purchases, incorrect business decisions, etc… I’ve never regretted it!

Undefined mind center

This was a really big one for me.

I grew up in a family (and honestly, community) where being able to prove your certainty, stick to one viewpoint, and have an answer meant you were competent, strong, and capable. 

When I learned I had an undefined mind center, I realized my gift was not having an answer all the time – which has saved me a ton of stress.

Especially in my business. I’ve realized most of the time when I “need” certainty, I don’t actually need it, I’m just future-tripping. 

Undefined (open) heart center

This is the strongest conditioning energy that’s pulled me away from my intuition, my design, and creating “success” in a way that feels good.

Although I never really realized it, I always felt a SUPER intense pressure to prove myself. Most of what I did was in an effort to just prove I was enough — which caused me to make a lot of choices that weren’t right for me (and didn’t really pan out for me anyway).

Now when I feel that pressure, I ask myself, If I had nothing to prove, would I still do this? 

This helps me immediately get back in touch with my intuition and back on track to alignment, because there’s usually an easier way to get what I want.

I still get into spirals of I should really be making more money or I need to be working WAY more or Why am I not motivated? Why am I such a failure? BUT, it’s a lot easier to identify now.

Undefined G center

The 2 most HELPFUL things I’ve gotten from knowing I have an undefined G center:

I don’t need to know where I’m going all the time.

Places find ME! With like, no work.

When following my strategy + authority, my undefined G center has the gift of being where it needs to be without even looking for it. The more I relax into not trying to go out and find my next place, the easier it is for the right location to “come to me.”

(Plus, people with defined g centers help bring us recommendations and suggestions, which I think I think is pretty cool.)

If I feel bad in a place, I have 100% full permission to leave NOW. 

Undefined G centers are VERY sensitive to their environment. If we don’t feel good, it’s because it’s a sign we’re not supposed to be there (at least not right now). 

As the saying goes for us, If the location is wrong, the opportunity is wrong.

In the past, I would judge myself for not being able to hold on and just make it work in a place that didn’t make me feel good, because of sayings like “There’s no geographical cure” or “Wherever you go, there you are.” I figured it was just my shitty thinking making my experience a poor one.

I’m really still working a lot on that, because I still question if I’m just in a bad headspace or if I really need to leave a place.


I’ve talked a lot about why it’s so awesome to be a nonspecific manifestor, but for me it’s 2 main things: 

I’m not built to see the next step – so now I freak out way less about not knowing. 

Along with my undefined mind center, this is suuuuuper helpful to me, because whenever I get really stressed about the future I realize I’m trying to know something I’m just not going to know. I can drop it so much more easily now.

I don’t need specific plans or strategy to succeed (even in my business).

Or any plan at all, really! I’ve noticed when I accept this and stop trying to figure out every step, things just end up “working out” for me without me having to do any of that planning.

I either attract lots of people who DO love strategy/planning, or the universe makes each step super easy for me in the exact moment I need it.


Like Mountains environment people, I really process things best by being far away from them. I’ve always really thrived by not being in the thick of it. And having this active means I operate at my highest level when I can stay in one place for extended periods of time. I like to nest in places.

I used to get down on myself for this, because I thought all the fun in life comes from going out and DOING COOL SHIT! with a ton of your friends. So if I didn’t want to do that, it must be that I’m just lame and too weak to get out of my comfort zone and go live life, right?

But now, when I hermit… IDGAF.

That’s it for now! Human Design has helped me SO much, and these are just a few of the ways. I think I might do a podcast episode where I do a full reading of my chart… if you’re interested, lemme know.

If you have any Qs — or you have anything in common with my chart and want to share — let me hear your thoughts below!


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