What to do when you’re in your Not-Self Theme (again)

The other day, I go this message from a generator who realized they were in frustration – again:

“I just realized I was forcing my business to grow and generate, but it wasn’t giving me the “joy” feeling of my sacral. It’s really hard for me to realize this once again, because this is not the first time I’ve tried.”  

Oof.  Do I get that. 

We all fall out of alignment sometimes – AKA, our “not-self theme.”

In fact, I’ve kind of felt like that for the past couple of weeks! As a generator, I’ve actually been in a lot of frustration recently, and really only just realized it’s because I’ve been putting what I “should” do over what brings me joy… like the *silly little goose* I am.  

(And Human Design is literally my job. MY. JOB.) 

So if that’s you right now, here are 3 things to remember + some tips for getting back into that magic, juicy flow you’re meant for.      

1. Learning to use your Human Design is not a “one time thing” –  it’s an experiment and a process. 

One of the biggest points of Human Design is learning to identify what is NOT you, so you can get back to what IS you. That means the entire process is you going, “Oops! That’s not me” – and then returning to what feels authentic and true to you. 

So feeling unaligned is really normal, and it’s not a “block.” It’s part of the process.  

And, it happens to *literally* everyone who uses their design in their life!! 

The reason why we tend to be so hard on ourselves? As we move forward is because, after learning what alignment DOES feel like, we are sooooo much more attuned to what it DOES NOT feel like. 

So the fact that you realize you’re not in alignment is actually a great sign, because you’re aware! And that’s the first step towards making a change FASTER.      

2. Signs of unalignment are not a sign you’re a dumbass, they’re just a helpful reminder to get back on track. 

I like to say that your Not-Self Theme is like the check engine light in your car: it’s annoying to have it show up, but it’s not bad in and of itself.

It’s actually a really helpful notification that something is off and you should check it out (before something bad happens). 

So if you’re a generator/MG in frustration, a projector in bitterness, a reflector in disappointment, or a manifestor in anger…  

It’s a nudge from your soul to help save you time and get back on track ASAP.      

3. Depending on your age, you probably have many years of conditioning to live in a way that isn’t aligned with who you are. 

Assuming you’re more than 10 years old, you have decades (DECADES!) of energetic conditioning in the literal cells (CELLS!) in your physical body (PHYSICAL BO – sorry, I’ll stop). 

And even now? Most of the world doesn’t operate on the idea of HD that we’re all meant to do things in a way that feels good. So you’ve got to give yourself time, space, and compassion as you go through this. It only makes sense. 

On how to get quickly BACK into alignment…   

The simple answer is to follow your strategy and authority. 

This is always how you will get yourself, your body, and your soul back on track + feelin’ good.  

Another really easy way is to ask yourself:

“What do I NOT LIKE doing right now?

“What would I do instead (or how would I do things differently?”

“What do I need right now?” Then feel into your body for the answer, with a ton of compassion… 

And do. not. judge it. 

That’s the wisdom of your soul speaking to you, because the way you like to do things is the way you were programmed to live! This is how you reconnect with your true self. By listening to it. 




How do you deal with YOUR not-self (frustration, bitterness, anger, or disappointment) + and get back into flow? What does it feel like to you, and what do you do to align yourself again? Tell me in the comments!


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