(Empowering) Tips for manifesting love for the 5 Human Design energy types

I recently got an email from a generator asking how she could use her design to find love.

Immediately, my sacral center went đź¤©

When it comes to manifesting stuff, we all know love is one of the Greatest Hits. Plus, I’m a Libra who loves love — and today is chocolate day Valentine’s day. Now is the time to talk about this.

So below are a few tips for each of the 5 energy types to call in the love you’re looking for.


Alright, listen. I know that today is a highly charged day with a lot of opinions around it. 

I want to make it very, very clear that I am NOT saying you NEED to be in a relationship or be in love to be happy. Or that you need it at all! I definitely promote self love first. I also fully acknowledge that romantic love is NOT the only kind of love that’s real, today is NOT the only day where love matters. 

Okay. Rock on and read on.


In my opinion, there are 2 top important things for a manifestor to keep in mind when looking for a relationship:

1. If you feel the impulse, don’t be afraid to initiate.

I know, I know. Rejection. V scary. But this is how manifestors are built to manifest successfully – even if you’re female-identifying. Through direct action!

This doesn’t mean you always have to make the first move. It just means you claim your desire fully + don’t be afraid to act just because someone might say no.

If you feel the impulse to go and talk to someone or slide into the DMs, do it! 

2. Don’t dampen your power/people-please because you’re afraid potential partners will be “intimidated” or get upset.

Manifestors naturally have a big, powerful, AWESOME energy, whether they sense it themselves or not.

Because a lot of people have a really weird relationship with “power,” it can intimidate them when a manifestor embraces it in themselves.

But claiming your power and accepting that you’re not for everyone is exactly how you attract all the right people to you… and avoid the ones who are wrong for you. Your specific aura type is literally built to repel the people who are wrong for you. It’s protection. The right people for a mani LOVE when they embrace their own energy.

So those d-bags who think you’re “too much” or want to change you? They were wrong for you anyway.


You don’t have to “go out” and look for love, love finds you!

You make yourself way more magnetic to that love/person/relationship you want by being your happiest, most fulfilled self. This literally draws things faster to you and speeds up the process of getting what you want. 

When it comes to deciding whether or not to date someone, pursue a relationship, accept a date or even ask for a date, etc, the most important thing is this:

Ask yourself, “Am I really, truly excited by this person?” – and then be really honest with yourself.

Your sacral center will tell you whether this person is right for you or not by whether or not you’re really, truly lit up by them. If they don’t do that for you, it doesn’t matter how much you “should” like them — they’re not for you.


First off, the best way to attract love/partnership as a projector is always to focus on showing up as/appreciating your most authentic self, as much as possible.

A super successful relationship for a projector means that they feel seen, recognized, and appreciated. This is the case for anyone – and of course there are other things you want from a relationship, too – but it’s particularly important for a projector because that’s how you know you’re around the kind of person you’re meant to be with. 

The way you attract that is by first recognizing yourself as good enough for just being YOU!

Not trying to show how much you’ve accomplished. Or how hard you work. Or how much “value,” social or otherwise, you’ll bring the other person.

Also, you CAN “make the first move,” there just has to be some kind of energetic rapport there first.

I think love and relationships can be really confusing for projectors (especially male-identifying people, who are supposed to be the “initiators”) because they’re supposed to wait to be invited. But projectors are also really good at tuning into others when they let themselves. So if you feel the energy of being recognized for who you REALLY are, or you’ve met before and it felt good, etc… 

Go for it!


The most important thing for a reflector is not to rush yourself or rush love just because you’re afraid it won’t happen.

The LAST thing you want to do as a reflector is make it happen NOW or get into a relationship quickly – because that’s how you’re going to end up really disappointed (“there’s no one GOOD OUT THERE!! LOVE ISN’T REAL!! NO ONE CAN BE TRUSTED!!!!”).

You manifest your best results by setting the intention, releasing expectations and allowing yourself to be pleasantly surprised by all the cool people who come your way.

When making a decision of who to date…

Only choose someone whose energy you feel really, really amazing around. 

Reflectors have the gift of knowing people and their energy on a deep, inexplicable level… so if you don’t feel good around someone, idc how hot, successful, funny, or in-touch with your love language they are, they ain’t for you.


Those are just a few of my favorite tips! Of course, there’s a lot more to this – especially per unique human design chart – but these are a pretty good starting point.

And in the end, no matter what your energy type…

Remember that when it comes to love or ANYTHING in your life:  “What’s meant for you will always, always find you.” (Tosha Silver)

Also, I love you. 

Happy Valentine’s day, my friends!

Love + joy,



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