HUMAN DESIGN 101: The Throat Center

Check out the overview of all 9 energy centers here.


  • Expression, manifestation, communication, sharing, speaking, writing, etc.

  • Responsible for bringing things to “be”

  • Everything from storytelling to selling people on ideas

  • Connected to the thyroid and parathyroid


The throat center’s main power is sharing truths. What kind of truth depends on whether it’s defined or not (We’ll get to that in a second!). When used correctly according to your strategy and authority (your energy type will tell you what that is), the throat center allows us to successfully express, transmit, and translate energy – like thoughts or feelings – into words or actions.

It’s also about manifestation. The most basic meaning of manifestation is expressing energy. And the throat center is all about expression! 

It’s the third center from the top on your chart. It’s the little brown square in the throat of your little triangle-butt person.

In the physical body, the throat center’s counterpart is the thyroid and parathyroid. So if you’re having issues with either of those – you might want to check in and see whether you are using this center correctly or not.


If you have a defined throat center, you are here to share YOUR truth, AKA more personal truths that are based on experience, identity, emotion, ideas, or instinct (depends on which center(s) your throat is connected to!).

If you have the throat center defined and you have an issue sharing, you need to know that you have the power to create incredible things by sharing what feels right to you. You are here to consistently speak on/share your your specific truths.

Don’t hold back just because you’ve been told that you shouldn’t speak up, or that no one cares about what you have to say. This is your gift!

This is, of course, as long as you are acting in line with your strategy and authority. Don’t going spewin’ for spewin’s sake.


If you have an undefined throat center, you are here to share THE truth, AKA more impersonal and universal truths. 

This doesn’t mean you can’t talk about your feelings, or that no one wants to hear your stories. It’s more that you have a gift for natural picking up on, sharing, and basically channeling the voice energy/topics that need to be shared right now. So, that often means it won’t sound like it’s “about” you.

However, it DOES mean that you can modulate your tone elegantly to fit the situation. Some great speakers have open throats, like Bill Clinton and Oprah Winfrey. 

IMPORTANT: you might have spent your whole life feeling like you’ve been trying to just BE HEARD.

With this center open, you might be a blurter or frequently interrupt people (Not on purpose. Just because things are coming through and the way you process the energy is kind of unpredictable!).

If you are feeling unheard, the key here is to follow your strategy and authority first.

When you do that, it doesn’t matter if you have a defined or undefined throat; you can be heard and recognized for what you have to share.


5 things that helped me when I couldn’t “let go”


HUMAN DESIGN 101: The Root Center