HUMAN DESIGN 101: The Spleen Center
Check out the overview of all 9 energy centers here.
The spleen is where intuition and fear are created/processed. It’s what we call an awareness center – it’s interested in keeping tabs on what’s going on in/around you so you can adapt, survive and thrive. In this case, it’s body awareness.
It’s the center on the leftmost part of your chart. It’s the little brown (or if it’s undefined, white) triangle.
In the physical body, the spleen’s counterparts are the immune and lymphatic systems. (So if you’re having issues with any of those – you might want to check in and see whether you are using this center correctly or not.)
The look on your face when you used your goddamn gift of intuition to make it through another hunting season
If you have a defined spleen center, you create your own intuitive hits and fears. The way you experience these will be very consistent.
A great way for you to develop your intuition is to identify how a “hit” feels to you – because it’s always going to be the same.
Is it a feeling? Is it a little whisper? Is it a little pang of fear? Whatever it is, get familiar with it and you’ll be able to quickly tell which way it’s telling you to go.
That look on your face when you’re like, “Wait, it’s hunting season?”
If you have an undefined spleen center, you pick up on and amplify others’ intuitions and fears.
That means you will (1) be inconsistent with how you experience intuition/fear and (2) you will often get hits that are not your own.
Just like it’s important for someone with an undefined solar plexus to remember that emotions are not theirs, it’s important for someone with an undefined spleen to remember that most fears are not yours.
People with this center defined can have a really, really hard time being around super fearful (or fear mongering) people. Sometimes you might get very scared because someone else is scared about something. But only if you think it’s your own!