HUMAN DESIGN 101: The Solar Plexus Center

Check out the overview of all 9 energy centers here.


  • Motor center 

  • Responsible for creating emotions

  • Expressed and felt as a “wave”

  • Connected to kidney, pancreas, and bladder


Also known as the “emotional center,” this is where emotion is created. It’s a motor center, which means that when it’s creating emotions, it’s creating energy (because emotions = energy). It’s also an awareness center – it’s interested in keeping tabs on what’s going on in/around you so you can adapt, survive and thrive. In this case, it’s emotional and spiritual awareness. 

It’s the center on the right most part of your chart. It’s the little brown (or white, if it’s undefined) triangle.

In the physical body, the solar plexus’s counterparts are the spleen, gallbladder, and pancreas. So if you’re having issues with any of those – you might want to check in and see whether you are using this center correctly or not.


Succumbing to sweet emotion like

If you have a defined solar plexus, you’re known as an “emotional” – meaning you create your own emotional wave. At any given time, you are somewhere on that emotional wave. You are on a high… or a low… or anywhere in between the two.

You can wake up feeling AWESOME!! or OH GOD, SO SAD, WHY?! for no reason.

If you’re in a sudden low, please know it’s not your fault – and you did nothing wrong. 

You are meant to go through these cycles as a way to align with divine timing. This is just a part of your design. You are not broken.

Emotionals are not meant to make rash, in-the-moment decisions.

In-the-moment decisions are how emotional people wake up with commitments they didn’t really want and feeling sad that they missed opportunities they did really want. 

You need a moment to check in and make sure you are not on a high high or a low low – which is NOT a time you want to make decisions. 

Your best-friend phrase is “sleep on it.”


If you have an undefined solar plexus, you pick up on and magnify others’ emotional waves.

This doesn’t mean you don’t feel. You just don’t make your own emotional wave. Left to our own devices, we non-emotionals are very neutral. We are not the people who wake up feeling super high or super low for no reason.

Yet these are often the ones who seem like they’re super emotional.

That’s because of the whole “magnifying” part. Then someone walks into a room as a 2 on the emotional scale, we’ll feel it as a 6-7.

If you are feeling randomly hyped up or deep down low for no reason, just know that this is not yours.

Take a breath and take some space for yourself. Return back to your center. Understand that you picked this up from someone else. If you don’t hold onto it by trying to reason it out, you will be able to release it rather quickly.


HUMAN DESIGN 101: The Sacral Center


HUMAN DESIGN 101: The Spleen Center