HUMAN DESIGN 101: The Sacral Center
Check out the overview of all 9 energy centers here.
Motor center
Creativity, productivity, and reproduction
Generates life-force energy (for everyone!)
Connected to gut and reproductive organs
The sacral center is where life force energy is created. This is the energy that makes us go go go, and also get things done. It’s the motor for us to create, produce, and reproduce.
Fun fact: anyone who has this center defined is immediately a generator. They’re called that because they literally generate energy – and it all starts in the sacral.
The sacral is the center in the middle, second from the bottom. It’s the little red square (white if undefined).
In the physical body, the sacral’s counterparts are the gut* and reproductive/sexual system. (So if you’re having issues with any of those – you might want to check in and see whether you are using this center correctly or not.)
[*NOTE: I know that a lot of people call the “gut instinct” our intuition, but in Human Design there’s a difference. In HD, intuition is actually connected to the spleen – not the sacral. You do get a gut response from the sacral center, but it’s different from intuition… which I’ll explain in a minute!]
With this center defined, you have the power of the sacral center in your hands, at all times.
If you have this center defined, first off, you’re a generator or manifesting generator (congrats!)
You have consistent access to long-lasting life force energy and productivity. You are the “sun” in the example from before… creating your own energy and then radiating it out to others who need it!
However, there’s a catch – you only have access to this when you are following your gut response, also known as the SACRAL RESPONSE.
You will only create your incredible, long-lasting energy when you are following your YESes in response to the people, places, and things that come to you. If you follow your NOs… you’ll feel burnt out, blocked from the results you want, and just generally no bueno.
Plus, when you use this consistently, you’ll attract more and more YESes to your life!
With an undefined sacral, you soak up all that juicy life force energy (even though you don’t make it yourself).
If you have this center undefined, you pick up on and amplify the sacral energy of others who have this center defined. You are either a projector, manifestor, or a reflector.
Okay, here’s the truth, my friend: you are not really here to “work.” At least, not like a generator or manifesting generator. I know that a lot of people hear that and say WTF, I need to work – but hear me for a second.
This just means:
You shouldn’t associate your worth with consistent productivity – because it comes in waves for you.
You’ll need more rest. It’s just how you’re wired.
You can see the same results, but it might come in a different way.
You actually have the gift of creating results WITHOUT working as much! If you don’t have this center defined, it’s because your soul decided you don’t need it.