HUMAN DESIGN 101: Reflectors

Strategy: To wait a Lunar Cycle (28 days)

Signature: Surprise

Not-Self Theme: Disappointment

Aura: Resistant and sampling


If you thought I wasn’t going to use this as a chance to reference The Mighty Boosh, you were wrong.

Ah, reflectors. They’re so cool, they’re so rare, and they’re so important to move humanity forward!

Reflectors have no defined centers. They do not consistently make their own energy, and as a result, they are ultra-receptive to the energies around them. 

They have an aura that is sampling and reflective – which means that they kind of take a nibble of everyone else’s energy (you know, like a little aura snack. Energetic pringles).

They reflect humanity and how things are going in the world (duh). So whether or not reflectors are healthy is a good sign that the world is feeling the same way.

They have the ability to really, truly know people for what and who they are.

Reflectors are kind of like the “oracles” of the world, seeing reality for what it is and could be.

What is so fascinating about the existence of Reflectors is that they are the only ones that truly can tell who is ‘in and out of the program,’ so to speak.

It means the Reflector is someone who can recognize those that don’t fit into the program. Like the ancient shaman being able to walk up to the parents of a newborn and say, “This one, this one is mine because it will not fit into your world, but will fit into mine.”

– Ra Uru Hu, founder of Human Design


Looking for energy to reflect

Quick note: People tend to assume that this “lack of energy” means that reflectors have no energy to do anything, or have to sit around their whole lives. 

There’s also this idea that reflectors are best suited to be alone, living on mountains, tending to the Earth, and generally just being Unabomber types.

That’s incorrect.

First off, their open centers just means they pick up on and amplify energy from others. So they could be running circles around you, at least for a short period of time. I mean, there are politicians and professional athletes who are reflectors.

Sandra Bullock is a reflector! You think they were carting her around the set of The Blind Side while she reclined on a LaZ Boy?

Also, reflectors usually LOVE – or at least, need – human connection, and some of them have a very hard time being alone.

Of course, everyone is different, and profiles, gates, and conditioning all come into play here. So if they have Line 2 (the Hermit) in their profile, yeah, maybe they like more alone time than other reflectors.


Just like the moon, you will move through a predictable cycle over 28 days. You need to do this before making a decision that’s aligned with you.

If you’re a reflector, you’re probably like, “Wait… I have to wait a MONTH to make a decision? WTF?”

Well, yes and no.

It doesn’t actually mean you have to wait a whole 28 days. It just means your clarity will ALWAYS come from giving yourself time – at most, a lunar cycle (which is 28 days).

Sometimes it takes 28 days for your clarity to arrive. Sometimes it could take a few days. But your true clarity on decisions does not come in the moment.

This is because since reflectors don’t have any energy centers defined, they have an Outer Lunar authority. This means they work with the cycles of the moon to make a decision. Reflectors are “lunar types.” In the same way that the moon reflects the light of the sun, reflectors reflect the light of “solar types,” which are manifestors, generators, and projectors.

That’s why when it comes to medium-big decisions, a reflector’s strategy is to wait out a lunar cycle to decide. 

Think of it this way: 

It only takes 28 days for the moon to move through all 64 gates – or 64 lessons – of the human design rave mandala. Reflectors are basically like the moon, moving through all of those lessons and absorbing them before they make a decision. While solar types go through these lessons like seasons in a year… reflectors go through quick-and-snappy lessons each day.

That means they need to really mull things over before the answer becomes clear to them.

NOTE: This is only for significant decisions. Like moving, taking a job, getting married, adopting a chinchilla, etc. 

So no – you don’t have to wait a month to decide if you want tacos for dinner or which keychain you should buy. 


When reflectors try to force themselves to decide quickly, or surround themselves with people who make them feel bad, they face the not-self theme of disappointment.

Reflectors are “knowers,” in a way (kind of like how projectors are “seers” who use their clarity to guide). This means that reflectors can be around people or things and know them for what they truly are. 

As a result, reflectors can become truly disappointed in the world. Things can look bleak for them.

OR, if they’re been forced to choose too quickly, they’ll be disappointed with the results.

The solution?

Give yourself enough time – in everything – and surround yourself with anything/anyone with energy you’d love to experience (i.e., what feels right to you).


Like I mentioned, a reflector’s wellbeing is defined by their environment and the people around them – so it is crucial that they curate their environment.

Don’t hold onto people, places, and things just because they’ve been with you for a while.

Don’t hoard. That’s the last thing you want to do, because you take on energy wherever you go. 

You know that phrase “You’re the sum of the 5 people you hang out with the most?” Yeah, pretty sure a reflector said that.

Remember: curate, don’t collect.


Yeah… don’t get too attached to that idea.

If you’re a reflector, it is normal for you to be many different things over the course of your life.

Labels are NOT for you. 

Trust me, they won’t feel good anyway. You are here to sample, experience and be many, many different things.

So don’t feel bad if you feel like the black sheep who can’t seem to follow a traditional path. You weren’t meant to.

In many ways, you’re actually supposed to inspire the rest of us to live by fewer labels. Look at you, leading by example!

It can be hard to feel seen as a reflector. You may feel like you take on everyone else’s persona and personality, and in a way you do… you have to in order to reflect something back to someone.

As a result, you might feel like people don’t see you for you.

But you ARE you. You are special and cool and we need you. You matter!

Are you a reflector? How is it for you? I don’t have any close to me in my life, so I’d love to hear from you!


HUMAN DESIGN 101: Generators


HUMAN DESIGN 101: Manifesting Generators