HUMAN DESIGN 101: Manifesting Generators

Peak manifesting generator vibes

Strategy: To Wait To Respond

Signature: Satisfaction

Not-Self Theme: Frustration

Aura: Open and enveloping

Anyone with their sacral center defined is a generator. There are two subtypes: pure generators and manifesting generators. These subtypes both have the same strategy, signature, and Not-Self Theme, and as a whole are 70% of the population.

In this post, we’re covering the magic of manifesting generators. Almost everything that applies to generators also applies to manifesting generators, besides what I talk about below.


A little bit of the spark, a little bit of the light – it’s what make manifesting generators so fly.

Manifesting Generators are types with a defined sacral center AND a defined throat center that is connected to one of the four motor centers (root, sacral, solar plexus, or heart).

Thus, MGs are pretty much exactly what they sound like: a combo of pure generators and pure manifestors. They have more of a get-up-and-go tendency, like manifestors, but they still have the strategy of a generator.

They like to go FAST. They learn fast, they think fast, they move fast – and sometimes have a hard time understanding why others can’t keep up with them.

If pure generators are marathon runners, manifesting generators are sprinters. They tend to get their energy in spurts. Also, pure generators can usually be found going deep into something, mastering it, and then moving on. MGs are usually the “inch deep, mile wide” kind of people.

I love manifesting generators. I know because my soul decided to surround me with a lot of them. My dad, my brother, my close friend, and two of my coaches are all MGs!


Okay, remember how I said there are two subtypes of generators? Well, I lied in order not to confuse you. Now you’re ready to know the truth.

There are actually 3 subtypes of generators, because there are TWO sub-subtypes of Manifesting Generators: MGs and Manifestor/Pure MGs.

MGs have no direct connection between throat and sacral. They will tend to be more like generators than manifestors.

Manifestor (or “Pure”) MGs have a connection between throat and sacral, and thus have more manifestor-like qualities than a pure MG.  This includes people who have a throat – G center – sacral connection.

The most “manifestory” MGs have a connection via the 34/20 channel.

(Both of these are Pure Manifesting Generators)

An example from my own life: My friend and her ex-boyfriend are both manifesting generators. She is an MG while her ex is a Pure MG – and you can really see the difference. 

He’s super get-up-and-go; entrepreneurial; always wanting to be in the STARTING phase of something; feels naturally that he should be a leader. He’s always starting random stuff (and often abandoning it because it didn’t come from a response). He also has the manifestor tendency not to fit in very well, and he’s unpredictable. He’s also an asshole, but that has nothing to do with him being an MG and everything to do with him being an asshole.

My friend, on the other hand, likes high-energy work and likes to have her energy in lots of different things at once, like an MG, but it’s definitely less of that need to initiate energy.


Did he wait for the response? If he’s an MG, probably not.

Yes! And also, no. But mostly yes.

Here’s what I mean.

Manifesting generators have an extra step in their strategy of feeling into a response before acting on it. 

MGs are known for bouncing from thing to thing, multi-tasking, and having multiple passions. They’re very prone to skipping steps, and they don’t love moving backward to fix that.

It helps to take a minute with themselves… mostly because they can make the mistake of thinking they can initiate, instead of responding.

It also does help for MGs to let people know what they’re doing, like manifestors, so we know where you’re going!

More specifically, so you don’t run me over.

Are you a manifesting generator? Pure MG or Manifestor MG? Do you have any questions? Drop a comment below and let me know!


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