Generator Q&A: Why can’t I hear my sacral response?
Q: WHY CAN’T I HEAR MY SACRAL RESPONSE?! You said it’s really important… am I doomed?
A: No! Don’t worry, my friend. Most generators are conditioned by the world not to understand their response (or use it). It’s all a part of coming back to yourself and unlocking who you are!
There are a couple reasons people can’t hear their response, but there are 4 main ones.
Your sacral response is like your intuition – if you tell it to shut up or don’t listen to it, it will become quieter and quieter.
This isn’t your fault.
Basically everyone in the world is taught to think, damn it! But for generators, that’s really not good advice… because our true wisdom comes from our gut.
Don’t worry, though. Just like your intuition, you can always reignite it by listening to it and following it!
The sacral can only give you a YES or NO answer.
So if you are asking it big questions like, “What should I do?” or “What’s the right answer?” It’s going to be like:
So instead of putting it on the spot like that, give your poor sacral a break and ask it yes or no questions.
For example…
Instead of Where do you want to go today? ⟶ Do you want to go to the forest or to the beach?
Instead of What do you want to eat for dinner? ⟶ Do you want Thai food or pizza?
Instead of What do you want to do in your career? ⟶ Do you want to stay at your job or quit?
Etc, etc.
If you are asking a generator questions, it’s the same. You can make it easier for everyone if you give them a choice instead of making them come up with an idea.
If you are putting your energy into a bunch of things that don’t light you up, you are going to burn out – because you aren’t giving the sacral any breathing room.
Your sacral is basically going oh no. no no no. I cannot take on something else. I NEED REST.
The best solution: take a break if possible and start removing the NOs. You can start with the big stuff or the small stuff, but start somewhere!
I know, I know. “I’m a thinker!” “I don’t want to be illogical!” “What if I end up doing something stupid?”
As your resident Libra, I know overthinking well. If Overthinking was a person, we would spend so much time together that people would sense sexual tension between the two of us (WE’RE JUST FRIENDS!).
But hear me: Your mind is not your decision maker. Your sacral is.
Even if it does not make sense in the moment, or seems scary because you are not used to following the wisdom of your body, your sacral has all the answers you need when it comes to decisions – big and small.
You have to trust.
I know it’s not easy, and it doesn’t feel nearly as direct or rational as you want it to. Yet it’s this exact conditioning you need to overcome to get to your true self and create a life of ease (and the cool stuff you want).