HD101: The Authorities

Your authority in Human Design is your “rule of thumb” for making your best decisions.

You can think of it as a little system you can always come back to when you’re unsure of which way to go. It’s your compass that directs you towards decisions that will work out well for you.

How to find your Human Design authority

  1. Get your free Human Design chart HERE.

  2. Look to the right of your chart where it says “INNER AUTHORITY.”

Whatever it says is the kind of authority you have!

The 8 Authorities


If you have your solar plexus center defined, you have emotional authority. “Emotionals,” as they’re called in HD, create their own emotional wave and are always somewhere on that wave. However, you can never be *quite* sure where on that wave you are.

This means you do not have clarity in the now — you need to give yourself time to feel into it and then make your decision once you are calm about the situation.


If you have sacral authority, you will get an in-the-moment YES or NO feeling from your gut in the form of desire. A YES will feel like it’s exciting/energizing — something you want to do. A NO will feel like anything from “eh” to full-on dread — something you do not want to do.


If you have splenic authority, you are meant to trust your in-the-moment, snap YES or NO you have about something.

It may come to you as that “little voice” you hear, a knowing, a little pang (sometimes almost like it’s a fear), or just pure instinct.

That little voice is only going to speak once (in the NOW) so listen closely!

EGO (projected and manifested)

Ask yourself, “Am I motivated to go get this/do this? Does it light a fire under my butt?” If no, wait for something that does that for you. Don’t waste your energy on anything that doesn’t light that GO GET IT fire.


To find your answer, you need to listen to yourself speak.

Let it flow. Let yourself ramble. Don’t edit or filter yourself. You can share with others — this usually helps — but remember, it’s all about what YOU say.


To find your answer, you need to formulate some ideas and then bounce them off (the right) people. You don’t need to take their advice or feedback, you just need to bounce off their energy to see what feels right.

This authority is also called “The Sounding Board” because it’s super helpful for you to use others’ energy to come to an answer for yourself.


If you have lunar authority, you are a reflector. 100%. Every time!

You do not have clarity in the now — give yourself PLENTY of time (28 days is the “rule”) to come to a decision.

You’re supposed to wait a full lunar cycle to make a decision, but honestly, I would say as long as you give yourself enough space and don’t rush yourself, you’re good. Just know it might take longer than others to find your answer.


26 things I’ve learned (that really helped me) in 26 years


HUMAN DESIGN 101: The Crown Center