why you do NOT have to perfectly follow your design

You want to know the most common thing I see holding people back from getting the goodness out of their design?


(Besides doubting that they can actually do things in a way that feels good to them?)


Stressing out about doing it “right.”


  • Did I wait to respond? Ugh… I feel excited, but I don’t know…

  • No one invited me to start a business, but I really want to… should I just not? I feel like I’ve been waiting forever.

  • I know my impulses aren’t supposed to have a reason, but I KNOW why I want to do this thing and I still want to do it. Should I just not?

  • I really want to take action, but I didn’t wait a lunar cycle. Do I have to keep waiting? I feel so held back.


Hey. I get it. 


I’ve been there!


Human Design is awesome because it gives us such clear, helpful “to do”s to come back to, but at the same time… 


We can get very scared that if we don’t follow it to a T, we’ll never have that thing we want.


Luckily, though, that’s not how it works.


You absolutely DO NOT have to use this “perfectly” to see awesome results with it – in fact, the less you worry about that, the better you’ll do!


And here’s why 👇🏼


1. When you feel good + in non-resistance, you’re already in alignment with your design.


Human Design is actually based on the idea that you already naturally know what’s going to work for you


It’s just that many of us have been so deeply conditioned away from believing that, that we can barely hear our bodies, souls, and intuitions anymore – so our HD charts are here to remind us, “Hey! This is how that works for you, and how to hear it again.”


But if you already feel authentically and naturally good about something, then you’re literally achieving the goal of using Human Design anyway.


You can relax. You’re already following your design!


2. It’s an experiment. There are literally SUPPOSED to be times when you don’t use it right, because that’s part of how you can tell when you are using it right.


That means that when you accidentally do something out of alignment with your design, it’s not slowing you down, it’s just part of the process we all go through. 


But if you’re too afraid of going the wrong way, then you won’t get this information, and stay stuck in indecision that will probably just make you feel more stuck.


The more you embrace this, the quicker you will learn how to use this to get to what you want.


3. Human Design is not a rulebook. It's just a tool.


It’s really just something showing you how you are energetically structured – and then based on that, it offers helpful guidelines to create what you want with the least resistance.


It’s supposed to make your life easier, not more stressful.


Plus, it’s actually supposed to show you how to trust + follow your own intuition/self, instead of feeling forced by outside rules!


It’s just that we each have different ways of hearing the “self” guide us, so our HD charts are helpful reminders of how we’re built to do that.


4. Plus, it’s just ONE tool.


HD is great – and it plays a big role in my life – but in my opinion, it’s not the only one, objective truth. I just see it as one thing to help us live amazing lives.


In fact, I believe if we only look at life through the HD lens, we’re missing out on a lot of other cool, helpful stuff. 


This is just one perspective, so if you want to do something, but doesn’t “fit” into the Human Design ideology, then that’s okay! Live your life.


5. Honestly, there are people out there who TOTALLY don’t live their designs, and they’re okay.


I mean, they’re probably not super happy, and they could live way more magical lives, but they’re not falling apart. So if they’re okay doing that – you’re more than ok if you’re doing it but don’t get it right all the time!


Plus, I’ll be honest with you, sometimes I do things that are totally not “right” for my design, and yet they turn out fine anyway. IDK why. I just go with it.


All of this is to say that, my friend, you are going to be okay.


Just keep going, keep doing your best, and when you hit a roadblock… your Human Design will be there to help you course-correct by reminding you of what is built to work/not work for you.


Now, go out there and live!


Your Gene Keys Vocation (AKA, How to Use Your Soul Purpose to Make More Money)


Marshmallow Lies: Why your “flaws” are your greatest chance at success