Why do we have 9 centers if there are only 7 chakras?

The Human Design system is a mish-mash of 5 very cool, very different systems: Western astrology, the Kabbalah tree of life (the Sefirot), quantum mechanics, the Chinese I-Ching, and the chakra system.

If you’re familiar with any of these things, it’s clear that HD puts its own personal “spin” on all of them — the most obvious one being the chakra system.

The traditional Hindu chakra system only has 7 chakras, but Human Design says we have 9.

So… do they match up? Do we have new ones? Why? And since when??

What exactly happened here?

The two “bonus” centers

Up until 1781, humans were born with 7 centers in our energetic bodies. Once we hit 1781, we gained two extras: The G Center and the Solar Plexus.*

I mean, we didn’t actually gain them, they just broke off from existing centers and became more specific in what they handled.

The G center is what helps us find direction in life, our identity, and love. It broke off from the heart center, which now focuses mostly on self-worth and motivation.

The Solar Plexus is what helps us understand and use our emotions. It broke off from the sacral center, which historically dealt with emotions but now deals mostly productivity and desire.

*If you’re going “Nuh UH, Ariana, we already had the Solar Plexus,” I hear you, and I thought the same thing. But this is actually a different center entirely, it’s just named the same thing.

What happened in 1781? Why did these new centers pop up?

Welcome to a new era of Uranus! (Stop laughing.)

Seriously, are you 12?

1781 was the year humanity discovered the planet Uranus — and it was the beginning of a whole new era.

This meant we were out of the Saturnian age and into the Uranian age (don’t worry, we’ll get to it).

As a result, we didn’t just gain new centers. Our entire energetic bodies re-organized themselves. We became what the founder of Human Design, Ra Uru hu, called a new Rave Species, which has the G center right smack dab in the middle of who we are.

Here’s why.

First, it marked a GIANT shift in human consciousness/life.

While Saturn is about order, structure, and the collective, Uranus is about individuality, disruption, and personal freedom. 

The age of Uranus marks the shift outside authority and tyranny to listening to ourselves + helping everyone rise up by raising ourselves up →  That is why we developed our new centers.

It makes sense. If you know anything about history, you’ll recall that right around 1781, a good portion of the world went apeshit in the name of freedom. That specific year is when the United States ratified its first democratic governing document, The Articles of The Confederation. And just a little after that, the French Revolution kicked off.

(Side note: Did you know Marie Antoinette was a manifesting generator? Even sparkly MGs can’t get away with whatever they want, I guess.)

Second, we started living longer. 

We moved from an era where our lives were based on Saturn’s return, which is around 29 years, to an era where our development is based on the Uranus return, which is about 84 years. 

This means that we became beings who needed more time to mature and fully develop into functioning people. 

We need more time as 9-centered beings to do develop + do meaningful things on Earth than we did as 7-centered beings.

We started living longer as a result! Yeehaw

Why the g center and solar plexus?

When we entered this era, which we will be in until 2027, the focus went from surviving → thriving, and our bodies changed accordingly.

The Saturnian age was about learning to survive and succeed on the physical plane. At that time, it was our lesson as humanity. Since our main goal was “Just don’t die,” that didn’t leave a lot of time for things like mastering your emotions or looking for direction in life, if you get what I mean.

We developed our 2 new centers because it was the next step in human consciousness. For the first time, we could afford to have them!

That’s why we now have a center based on higher-level concepts like knowing thyself and understanding emotion. We have the room to do so! We now had a lot more space to focus on things like what WE wanted to do in life, vs. what the system of humanity/society wanted us to do.

Before that… we didn’t live in a time where it would make sense to even have those extra centers.

Hold on, we’re getting two more in 2027

That’s right! Starting in 2027, a whole NEW rave species will be born into the world.

They’re going to be 11-centered beings, and their new centers are supposed to be in their hands

When I say a new “species,” I’m not implying literal mutant-y looking things, or the green babies that you could get in The Sims 2 when you had a human marry an alien. They’re still humans, but their energetic bodies will be different — as will be the way they interact with the world and each other.

Ra predicted that they will full-on be able to communicate with each other through their feelings. Like, using true empathic communication. WOW.

I don’t know about you, but I think that’s cool as shit. Think about it! We get to see the creation of the new species in real time! If you have a kid who’s born after 2027 and you think they’re really weird or too feely or spiritual, this might be why.

Don’t hate on the new generation, bub.

Also, this is why projectors are here!

Hey guys!! If you’ve ever wondered why you’re around, this is it. 

You are meant to be our guides as we navigate what the fuck it even means to be humans with 9 centers. It’s the reason your insight and clarity are your greatest gifts to humanity, rather than working all the time.

This is why we have more projectors in leadership positions now than we do manifestors. In the past, manifestors were our monarchs, our leaders, our everything, really — because “one to rule them all” was the only way to make things work in that era. 

Now, though, we are more democracy-based, and that is exactly what projectors are good at.

It’s also why projectors are meant to “wait for the invitation” and “wait to be recognized.” 

You are great leaders, but you are not meant to force things like old manifestor leaders did. You’re meant to work with humanity, not make humanity work for you.

You’ve done a really great job so far. Thank you. Love you!


HUMAN DESIGN 101: The Energy Centers (overview)


HUMAN DESIGN 101: The Mind/Ajna Center