HUMAN DESIGN 101: The Mind/Ajna Center

Check out the overview of all 9 energy centers here.


The mind center, or the Ajna (third eye) center if you’re familiar with the Hindu chakra system, is where we create and/or process ideas, opinions, and our points of view. 

It’s what we call an awareness center – it’s interested in keeping tabs on what’s going on in/around you so you can adapt, survive and thrive. In this case, it’s mental awareness. 

It’s the center that’s second from the top of your chart. It’s the upside-down green (or if it’s undefined, white) triangle.

In the physical body, the mind center’s counterpart is the pituitary gland.


If you have a defined mind center, you are here to develop your own viewpoints, opinions, and insights. It’s an important part of your understanding + contribution to the world.

These people are here to be somewhat “closed-minded.” It’s not that they can’t see things from the other side, but they ARE meant to stick to their own opinions. Part of that is sometimes seeming like they’re pretty stuck in their own viewpoint.

They tend to see things from one direction at a time.

People with defined ajnas like to take a problem, task, or thought and attack it head-on in a methodical, reliable way. We need people like that, because instead of getting stuck in the “but what if we look at it like THIS?” or getting lost in all the possibilities, these peeps cut through all of that.


If you have an undefined mind/ajna, you are here to let opinions and ideas flow through you — instead of trying to cling to any single one and make it your own forever.

This is because not only are our mind centers wide open to all the mental energy coming from other people, we don’t have a consistent way of processing it.

We naturally consider things from many angles.

We don’t have the direct and clear filing system that closed mind centers do, but that means… we can see the million and one different ways we could use to make something work!

It’s not our job to be certain. If you have this center undefined, it can be really easy to believe you have to have your opinion and stick to it, like a defined mind center. However, that’s not your gift! You’re here to embrace uncertainty and see the power in saying, “You know what? I don’t know right now.” That’s how you open up your mind to see alllll the different possibilities available.


Why do we have 9 centers if there are only 7 chakras?


No, undefined centers aren’t worse than defined centers