What each of the 5 energy types need to know about hitting their goals

Ever seen the movie Detroit Rock City?

I freaking love it – mostly because I love the 70s and dumb stoner/teenage boy humor. 

But also, because it’s a perfect example of something really crucial to know about your human design journey:

Every energy type’s path to success looks different – but that doesn’t mean you’re not getting to your goal. 

Let me explain:

Four high schoolers – Jam, Hawk, Lex, and Trip – are determined to go see KISS in Chicago. The dumbasses guys lose their tickets, and have about an hour to find new ones so they don’t miss “The Greatest Rock Show Ever.” (Yes, people did once unironically call KISS concerts “The Greatest Rock Show Ever.”)

At one point, they all agree to go their separate ways, do their own thing, and meet back at the doors of the concert.

Lex tries to sneak into the concert through the backstage.

Hawk joins a questionable contest to win $100 for a scalped ticket.

Trip tries to beat up some dude and grab his ticket.

Jam literally spends the whole movie getting caught by his psycho, catholic, KISS-hating mom.

In the end, though… 

They end up in the same place, even though they took widely different paths to get there.

And even though at times it seems like they’re making, like, zero progress

My point? 

No matter what your design, you can always get where you want to go. It just might look really different for you.

⟶ If you’re a MANIFESTOR, you’ll get there by owning your power, TAKING ACTION, and then resting – instead of pushing yourself do it all beginning-to-end or working all the time.

⟶ If you’re a GENERATOR, you’ll get there by listening to your gut and following your YESes… instead of trying to force action because you “should.”

⟶ If you’re an MANIFESTING GENERATOR, you’ll get there by following what lights you up even if it seems a little “off track,” and not putting yourself into a box.

⟶ If you’re a PROJECTOR, you’ll get there by being selective about when/where you share your energy – and understanding that movement forward might not “look” as direct or fast for you.

⟶ If you’re a REFLECTOR, you’ll get there by trusting life, using your sensitivity as a superpower, and taking your time – and watching how things line up for you as long as you don’t rush yourself.

Just because your magic unfolds differently than others doesn’t mean it’s not unfolding.

We can ALL achieve our goals.
We can ALL make our dreams a reality.
We can ALL live lives we really love.
I mean, look at Jam. Even though his journey isn’t as obviously “direct” or “forward,” – in fact, he spends most of the movie in churches – he still ends up at the same place with the same result as everyone else!

(Yes, projectors, this example is for YOU.)

You can and will get there. Trust + respect your process. 

Now… rock on 🤘

Love + Joy,

P.S. Want to unlock the magic of YOUR specific design? Come book a 1:1 Human Design reading with me! We’ll dive into your energy type and so much more in this personalized session.

P.P.S. Fun fact: the universe definitely wanted me to share this with you – because while listening to KISS on a walk last week (and thinking about whether or not to write this email about KISS), I looked up and saw this Gene Simmons doll hanging from some dude’s rearview mirror.


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