Too scared to start? Here’s one thing that always helps me

If there’s one constant in my life, it’s that I always wear too many layers when I’m going for a run. 

I don’t care if it’s raining on a winter day in San Francisco.

I don’t care if it’s mid-august in the Florida Keys. 

It’s the same freaking routine every time.

I know 100% that I am going to overheat if I wear more than a tank top and shorts. I mean, I’m anemic. I heat up fast, right? I don’t need all of these layers. Even if it’s windy, I’ll be fine. In fact I’ll be more than fine. I’m going to back and inside and ta–


Nevermind. 5 beanies it is.

It’s all because I hate that discomfort of being cold right at the start.

But then?

5 minutes in, like clockwork 

⟶ I’m sweating like crazy

⟶ My jacket is around my waist

⟶ Who even knows where my shirt is

⟶ My torso feels like it’s been trampled with the fiery hooves of a thousand sun horses from Apollo’s chariot

All that “cold” I’m so worried about becomes the least of my problems.

And honestly, in my experience, it’s like that for most uncomfortable stuff in life that comes up for us on the way to want we want.

Even if you’re going for a goal that’s SUPER aligned for you, there is probably going to be some discomfort at the start. Yet that’s all it is: at the start.

Once we get moving, we see it’s way easier than we’re making it out to be.


I had the biggest TOO UNCOMFORTABLE NO NO NO CAN’T DO IT moment ever recently.

I’m creating courses for Human Design + copywriting right now. I’ve been thinking of doing it for a while, and I am really excited to get them out there. I know I want to do it. But as it dawned on me that it was time to actually turn my idea into a real thing, I started thinking…

I have no idea how to structure a course.

I don’t even know where to start.

This is going to take forever and be SO HARD.

Nevermind. I don’t want to do this.

I don’t know enough. I should wait.

I can’t do it. Sorry.

… and quietly put it off, telling myself I’d “get to it later” (Ha. Right).

Finally, the emptiness of not doing the thing I wanted to do overcame the discomfort of the “what if”s. I knew I wanted to do this, so I had to remind myself:

This is normal. We all feel the initial discomfort. It’s okay. It’s human – and it won’t last forever.

So I got started.

To be clear, the discomfort was there. It didn’t immediately go away (I’m not gonna lie, it’s still kind of here).

But it’s so much lighter now. I can hardly believe I was so scared before!


  • Starting a blog

  • Starting a business

  • Putting on a virtual event

  • Asking someone to be a client

  • Asking for a promotion at work

  • Starting an exercise program

  • Applying to a new job (or your dream job)

  • Meeting new people

  • Going on dates

  • Stepping onstage to give a speech

  • Doing improv

  • Writing a poem

Whatever it is, you know it’s something that’s aligned for you… but you’re hitting that wall of,

“Uh oh. This no feel good. Not easy. Abort.”

You just need to know that fear isn’t going to go on and on and on. It’s going to get easier, but you have to get started.

Sure, sometimes it might last a little longer than other times.

Sometimes I’m freezing for the first 15 minutes of my runs, hating life and cursing my desert-born, camel-riding ancestors who passed down their anaemia to me — just like sometimes, I feel the fear even after I send an email or write a piece of copy or post a video.

But I always get warm… and I’m always glad I did it.

So just get going. 

You’ll warm up, I promise.

Love + Joy,


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