rhythms vs. routines in Human Design: which are you built for?

A few months ago, my friend was looking for a new place to live.

“For a second, I thought, ‘I should live with Ariana!’” she said. “But then I was like… eh, no, I’ll probably get in the way of your routines.”

I understood why she said it.

Although I’m definitely not a super uptight, type-A, anal kind of person, I’ve found I need to have a good amount of consistency in my daily life for me to feel grounded, balanced, and productive. To some people, yeah, that looks like I’m *very particular* and not super flexible.

But the funny thing is…

I actually don’t even have routines.

I don’t plan out my days.
I don’t have a “magical morning.”
Unless I have readings or a doctor’s appointment, I don’t have a calendar.

I’m not even built for routines, according to my HD chart!

So… why am I like this?

(or why, you might be wondering, are YOU like this??)

I’m built for rhythms.

That’s because there’s actually a fairly big difference between the two in Human Design.

And for you, this might be why you might have been told you’re “not built for routine” but still kinda feel like you need one. Or, vice versa.

When we talk about routines, what I’m referring to is your Human Design digestion, AKA the top left arrow on your chart. This tells you whether or not it will help you to have a planned routine you stick to.

It has more to do with what your brain needs to think optimally.

For people like me, with a right-facing digestion arrow (passive digestion), that will put MORE stress on our brains. That’s why they say we’re not really built for routine.

When we talk about rhythms... that comes down more to your energy levels + how you’re built to use those.

But that’s really not about having a set plan you stick to. It’s about needing to get into a groove in order for your energy to work its magic.

For example:

Being a generator energy type, my energy is long-lasting and powerful when it can sink its teeth into something; including work, projects, experiences, people. It’s builder energy, meaning we have the ability to dig deep and create some awesome shit if you give us enough time.

… but if you ask me to STOP! START! STOP! START! Like a manifesting generator, my energy will feel frustrated, blocked, and never really get fully into gear, so I need to give myself a little consistency instead of expecting myself to be able to pop around all over the place.

Also, I have gate 5, which means I’m incredibly tied to my own personal timing and rhythms.

It’s very important for people like me to honor their own rituals and rhythms, or else we will feel ungrounded, off, and unproductive because our bodies don’t get what the hell is going on.

Our energy also HATES being pulled into someone else’s rhythms, so it can seem like we’re very rigid/OCD about how things need to be done in our schedule.

My friend, on the other hand, is a manifesting generator who has channel 5-15 and channel 35-36… meaning she needs rituals as well, but she needs to shake things up often and go to extremes in order to find them.

And that’s okay!


When we can accept that this is how we’re built, we can work with it – and when we can work with it, that’s when the magic happens.

This is just one small part of that, too.

If you want to find out about alllllll the goodies in your chart, come get a 1:1 Human Design reading with me!

We’ll cover all this PLUS:

  • Your unique talents, gifts + abilities and how to use them

  • How you, specifically, are built to manifest 

  • Your soul’s purpose here on earth, in work + life

  • Answers to all your specific questions (in real time)

Till then…

You rock.


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