HD101: The Human Design Profiles

In Human Design, your profile is basically the unique role you’re here to fill

It’s also how you live out your purpose, learn, build relationships + fulfill your karma.

If there were anything that would be considered a personality type in Human Design (or at least, the closest thing to it), it would be your profile. 

There are 12 possible profiles in Human Design, meaning there are 12 basic “characters” or “roles” you could possibly play in this lifetime. Each of them is made of 2 numbers that work together to represent a specific role.

How do I find my Profile?

It’s really simple!

TECHNIQUE #1 – Check the description of your chart (super easy)

  1. Get your free Human Design chart HERE.

  2. Look at the line that says “Profile” — next to that, you’ll see two numbers. That’s your profile!

TECHNIQUE #2 – Find it manually (also super easy)

  1. Look at the top numbers on the left and right columns of your chart. The number on the right is your conscious sun gate, and the number on the left is your unconscious sun gate.

  2. For each one, find the number behind the decimal. These are your conscious and unconscious profile lines.

  3. Your profile is your CONSCIOUS profile line/UNCONSCIOUS profile line.

For example: I have my conscious sun gate in 32.5, and my unconscious sun gate in 56.1. That means that my profile is 5/1 – the heretic/investigator.

Where do the numbers in my profile come from?

You’ll see that there are 2 numbers in your profile. The numbers in your profile are called the profile lines, and they come from the Hexagram – which comes from the Chinese I-Ching.

The Hexagram is a stack of 6 horizontal lines. Each line represents a specific energy of humanity, as well as an evolution from one kind of energy to the next. 

The Hexagram’s 6 lines are also separated into two groups of 3, called The Trigrams.

The first 3 lines (first trigram) are personal – they’re about personal experience, not so much other people.

The second 3 lines (second trigram) are interpersonal – they’re much more about interacting with others, although each line approaches it in a very different way.

Conscious vs. Unconscious profile (i.e., what your 2 lines mean)

The first line in your profile is your conscious profile – it’s the part of your profile you’re most likely to identify with. It’s probably just a little more obvious to you.

The second line in your profile is your unconscious profile – although you’re probably aware of it, other people will generally see it in you more than you do.

Example: As a 5/1, I know that I like offering solutions and making things understandable for people in a new way (that’s part of the 5 line), and I know I know a lot of stuff about Human Design. However, other people often see me as more of a “textbook” than I do, since my driving motivation is usually to solve a problem or learn new information (that’s the 1 line).

PS – This is why you can have two profiles with the same numbers, like 2/5 and 5/2, who have different energies!

The Profile Lines

Each profile line has a name to show you what their role is meant to be. The original names can sound obscure, confusing, and even like they’re dooming you to some bad juju (they’re really not, I promise) – so I also like to include some more normal-person titles for them, too.

1 line – The Investigator (The Learner)

The 1 line is all about creating foundations through knowledge, so people with this in their profile have a deep need to investigate, learn, and KNOW. They’re almost always hungry for more knowledge, and they learn through diving down rabbit holes, studying, and researching. 

It’s all about “getting to the bottom” of things. It helps them feel super secure, and they also just love learning. They’re eternal students.

2 line – The Hermit (The Natural)

The 2 line has natural talent. For what? Well, that depends on the person with the 2 line! But the one thing they all have in common is that when it comes to learning or mastering something, these people don’t need to study like the 1 line does in order to get good. They’re those annoying people who just “picked it up, I guess.”

However, for this talent to emerge, 2 lines need time to be alone in their own space + aura (thus, they can seem a little hermit-y).

3 line – The Martyr (The Adventurer)

Ah, the 3 line. One of the most fascinating to me!

The 3 line learns through experience and experiment. In order to know something, they need to go through it themselves. They’re drawn to do that. There’s something in that – a piece of wisdom, a lesson, a new perspective – that only experience can give them. 

This means they do sometimes feel like they’re bumping around in the dark or failing all the time… so 3 lines need to remember that there is NO true failure for them!

4 line – The Opportunist (The Buddy)

4 lines have a natural gift for creating deep connections and relationships, and seek that out. Relationships are one of the most important things to them – in every part of their experience, from their personal life to their work life. 

They don’t like to connect with just anyone, though, because not everyone can give them that level of depth they’re looking for. They are meant for THEIR people only!

5 line – The Heretic (The Hero)

The 5 line carries an energy of competence, ability, and practical problem-solving. Because of their special aura, other people automatically sense that in them – and want them to help by offering some kind of solution.

However, because others are really just sensing a general competence, that means the 5 line isn’t always actually the right person to solve the problem… so 5 lines need to make sure that they have the talent, knowledge, or experience to truly fix things.

6 line – The Role Model (uh… The Role Model)

Yeah, I couldn’t come up with a better title for this one. Speaks for itself!

6 lines are naturally wise, big-picture, open to possibility, perfection-driven, and optimistic (especially as they get older). It’s called the role model because it’s meant to be a living example for humanity, embodying how to thrive as your authentic self.

The 6 line experiences life in 3 different phases: the first 30 years it lives as a 3 line, learning through experience; the second 20 or so years, it retreats to “the roof” to get a higher perspective and reflect on lessons learned; after that, it steps fully into its job of helping others through example.

Personal Destiny, Transpersonal Karma + Fixed Fate

Each profile is built for either Personal Destiny, Transpersonal Karma, or Fixed Fate. This tells you a little bit extra about how you’re built to fulfill your purpose and play your part, specifically through how you interact with other people.

Personal Destiny (1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 3/5, 3/6, 4/6): These people don’t really need to interact with other people to play out their purpose. 

Transpersonal Karma (5/1, 5/2, 6/2, 6/3): These people do need to interact with others to play out their purpose. 

Fixed Fate (4/1): 4/1s are fascinating, because like it sounds, they’re here to follow a fixed path just for them. It really doesn’t matter whether or not they interact with others. They’re going their way and doing their thing no matter what.

What does my profile mean?

If you want to learn more about your specific profile, grab your Profile Deep Dive audio!

You’ll get even more in-depth information on…

  • The unique role you’re meant to fulfill in this lifetime

  • What each of your lines mean + how they come together for you

  • How you learn, build relationships, and grow

  • Common obstacles, challenges, and lessons (and how to overcome them)

  • Understanding your profile in a practical, real-life way

You’ll also get a PDF guide + graphics — if you want to read along, or don’t like listening.


HD101: The 5 Human Design Definition Types - Single, Split, Triple Split + Quadruple Split


How do I find my Human Design Profile?