How do I find my Human Design Profile?

Your human design profile is the closest thing to your “personality” type in your chart — although energy type is the first thing we learn, profile is also super important. It’s actually what people usually relate to most.

Depending on which chart generator you’re using, finding your human design profile can be a little confusing. Some automatically show you your profile underneath or next to your chart, but some of them (like my favorite, have them on a page not immediately visible.

BUT, it’s actually super simple! 

Here are two really quick ways to find yours:

TECHNIQUE #1 – Check chart description (super easy)

  1. Go to

  2. You’ll see something on the right that says “profile” follow by two numbers (5/2, 2/4, 4/6, etc.)

TECHNIQUE #2 – Find it manually (also super easy)

  1. Look at the top numbers on the left and right columns of your chart. The number on the right is your conscious sun gate, and the number on the left is your unconscious sun gate.

  2. For each one, find the number behind the decimal. These are your conscious and unconscious profile lines.

  3. Your profile is your CONSCIOUS profile line/UNCONSCIOUS profile line.


For example: I have my conscious sun gate in 32.5, and my unconscious sun gate in 56.1. That means that my profile is 5/1 – the heretic/investigator.


HD101: The Human Design Profiles


HD101: The Human Design Circuits