HUMAN DESIGN 101: The Ego Center

Check out the overview of all 9 energy centers here.


The ego center, AKA the heart center or will center, is where willpower and motivation are created and/or processed. It’s a motor center, meaning it creates energy that we can use to create what we want in the world.

The go-to phrase for this center is “I am motivated to…” and while it is connected to desire, it’s really more connected to DRIVE, as in creating, achieving, or obtaining things on the material plane (everything from money and resources to success and fame, and beyond).

It’s the center on the middle-right of your chart. It’s the little red (or if it’s undefined, white) triangle.

In the physical body, the ego center’s counterpart is the heart, gallbladder and thymus gland. So if you’re having issues with either of those – you might want to check in and see whether you are using this center correctly or not.

To be clear, the ego we’re talking about here is not that meanie inside us that knocks ourselves and other people down. I know in most spiritual circles the ego is called our inner critic, our lowest vibration, our “shadow self,” etc. 

That’s not really the case here. We’re just discussing desire and motivation, neither of which are inherently bad!


If you have this center defined, you have consistent access to motivation and willpower. 

This doesn’t mean you have constant motivation, but it does mean that when you put your mind to something, you have an extra “oomph” that will carry you through to finish pretty much any task you put your mind to.

Many people with defined heart centers don’t see this in themselves, but it’s mostly because they don’t realize other people don’t create nearly as much of this energy as they do!

Make sure not to overwork yourself.

People with defined heart centers – no matter what their energy type – can burn themselves out. If they’re asked, “Do you think you could do this?” the answer for them is almost always YES.

Remember: just because you can doesn’t mean you have to (or should!).


If you have this center undefined, you have inconsistent motivation – at least, inconsistent for any one thing. That’s because while you don’t create this energy yourself, you pick up on and amplify it from others.

Does this mean you can’t achieve big-ass things? No. Of course not!

All it means is that you shouldn’t identify with your motivation or base your worth on it. There’s a less predictable ebb and flow for you.

Important: Because this center also has to do with value and self-worth from what we do/create/achieve, these people need to remember that they have inherent worth regardless of motivation or what they achieve.

Sometimes people with this center undefined don’t realize that who they are, or what they have, is very valuable.

But the cool thing about having an undefined center is that the LESS you focus on whether or not what you’re doing “proves” something about you — that you’re hardworking, smart, cool, whatever — the easier it is to hit your goals + manifest what you want. Without that need to prove yourself, anyway!

Which (trust me) feels a lot better.


The Kow Kow Method: How to write your best stuff (without really writing anything)


HUMAN DESIGN 101: The G Center